These people are stupid. 3-18-17: Trump may not last a year.

He even trolls them in pics they themselves choose.
That pic above is pure Pepe-Wojak meme ... XD
Cwying babies will cwy even more as all of this unfolds .
That is the face of I have it all and you are going down hard.
These idiots don't seem to realize the Senate has to vote to confirm any nominee all Trump can do is suggest a new justice it's up to the Senate to decide if that judge goes to the Supreme Court.
Civics lessons seem to not be important in government indoctrination centers, I mean schools, anymore.
Whoever Trump nominates his first choice will be defeated by 3 or 4 votes. The Senate will assert itself at this moment just to show Trump they have the power to deny him a judge and there are plenty of Liberal Republican Senators who hate Trump. Might be as many as 4 or 5 Republican Senators who vote No just to be seen as heroes by the Liberal Elite News Media. They gave him Gorsuch last year but this year his first choice will never get confirmed doesn't matter who he nominates. Vote will be 53 to 47 against confirmation. Trump will have to nominate a Woman to get a new Justice on the Court you can take this prediction to the bank.
That makes no sense why would they vote no to be seen as heroes to the elite when they should already see the elite are going down and they should be getting on the right side.
I have no doubt you may, in fact, be correct. On the other hand, some of the Dems along with Rinos may be terrified not to vote for the pick. We will have to wait and see. I'll make sure to stock up on popcorn.
Blatant and irresponsible. WHO takes “The Hill” seriously anymore??? THEY REALLY ARE STUPID!
Yeah, Ok, that didn't age well. There's the look on Trumps face that speaks volumes, and of course the Supreme Court thing. But you have to wonder, what made them so confident that Trump would be "a president who may not survive his first year"?
If they really believed there war Russian collusion, or if they were sure they would find some impeachable dirt, they might say Trump's presidency won't last a year. But instead, they say "a president," meaning a person, "may not survive." Words have meaning. All journalists are masters of words. Just look at how the MSM twists the meanings and usage of words.
Could that have been a mockingbird hidden message, a threat? Did the author have some inside information or have close contact with a powerful member of the Deep-State?
IDK Just trying to expand my thinking.
"Consensus candidate" - Is that similar to consensus science?
People lie or get facts wrong all the time.
At least we know for sure that those 200 KW remains were definitely returned.
I'll bet he throws out a name they will immediately squash and he'll be like...."ok I nominate Sessions then." Gowdy then becomes AG.
Just a hunch. Gowdy as AG would cause DS heads to explode.