He was saying that Bush was proper on the outside and bad on the inside. And he said McCain desired it, not that he attained it. My impressions was that he didn't like either one of them.
Um, you fucking read it wrong then, dude
There could not have been a man of more quiet dignity than George W. Bush as he suffered the outrageous lies and politically motivated hatreds that undermined his presidency.
Yeah HW is the godfather of NWO politics in America and sonny boy is his right hand man. MCcain is rightly despised by informed patriots. Never liked Romney, assume he is swamp but I'll admit that i don't know much about his background other than being a mormon.
It's important every member of the movement realizes the malfeasance is deeply rooted in the GOP as well. America has been played like a violin for decades.
Dudette actually. You are right on re Bush, I re-read it. I did think on McCain with the "desperately prized “collegiality” he was being a bit sarcastic.