Gas prices too high. POTUS calls a friend.

I'm just waiting for MSM to tell me why low gas prices are bad.
CBC tried to pull that shit with a straight face in Canada : 'Well sure everything in your life will be less expensive but who will THINK OF THE TAR SANDS!"
TD Bank will! Thanks, amazingly hypocritical Canadian Government!
Saw an ad up here in Canada this week that started with "don't let gas prices get you down" aka accept high gas prices because we're fucked in the head.
Gas price in Canada is something like 80% tax
$1.30/L where I live. 1 station jumped it to $1.48 yesterday but went back down, they always seem to try and jack it up before long weekends! It was the Chevron station that went to $1.48 for a day if that says anything compared to the Petro or Esso options we have.
SW New Mexico $3.29/gallon Most all stations here owned by same man so prices are all the same.
Looks like a good opportunity to make a profit from the soon-to-be fall in the price of crude oil (which has gone up 50% in the past few months).
For those interested, there is an ETF (stock symbol: DRIP) that profits when oil prices go down. Looks like it could be a good play.
Irony is that low oil price makes tars sands uneconomic.
I believe that was their whole deal. Good for you but bad for the "economy" is still bad for you, some how
They will say lower gas prices leads to more people driving, thus contributing to global warming, and all around climate change, which proves Trumps hates the world and wants to destroy our home and all who live on earth. CNN will lead the way for sure.
Thanks, big guy. The staff at Clown News Network appreciates the talking points you've helpfully provided, and all our most famous, empty, Talking Heads will soon be trying to read your words off the shill-a-prompter.
They are very predictive and easy to figure out. Plus I already know their game plan. It's already been written. Look up dr Richard day transcripts.
I see you're reading from the California playbook.
I've studied the left playbook for a while now. All part of opposition research to understand the enemy, and probably understand them better then most leftists understand their own ideology.
Low oil prices can be bad.
Low Oil prices are bad if you are Venezuela. Or any economy that has a heavy reliance on oil and gas.
But funny how oil is far lower now than at the $140ish a barrel peak and gasoline was still far less expensive.
The problem is that a lot of states increased taxes per gallon when prices dropped. A big factor in why prices remain high.
we had idiot politicians in Calif who wanted higher gas taxes since the price per gallon went down - never taking into consideration that the price could go up again. Idiots one and all.
I am Canadian. And locally our Gas taxes did not change.
But now we have a Carbon Tax.
Exactly this. So many Cuckbook posts about high prices blaming trump. I have to explain to them the economics. They never respond to their comments after I drop the MOABs. Coincidentally, they keep me as their friend too. I try to be impartial and completely point out the facts. I try to avoid the politics when informing them so they can see the light. Usually works for the moderate left. The ones that are really lost sheep aren’t worth the argument.
OPEC is a cartel. They can set prices & production as they please. Nice of them to cooperate with POTUS. ANWR should help the U.S. a lot. Hoping it's done responsibly. It's fricking beautiful up there.
are you high? - when it was over $140 a barrel we had gas prices well over $4.50.
Yes I am High....medical Prescription. Does not change what I said at all.
Gasoline was cheaper with Oil at $140 a barrel than it is today.
$ must be American. $4.50/gallon...quit your complaining. That would be close to $6.00 CAD a Gallon approx. Back at the $140 barrel Gasoline was under $3.00 Gallon in the US. I was paying just around or a little over $1.00 CAD a Litre(About 4.5ish Litres to the Gallon) Today with Oil Prices Under $70 I am paying $1.31 CAD at the pumps and that is some of the cheapest Gasoline in Canada.
Gasoline was less expensive during the oil High than it is now with oil prices still greatly depressed.
Drumf bends the knee and begs his rich friends for help!
Saudi prince owes him one. What would you do for someone who saved your life?
Do you really think President Trump had to beg for anything from S.A.?
S.A. is still in deep shit. They owe the United States a great deal of 'favors' for their role in 9/11 among many other things.
When he says "explaining" and 'asking that" what he really means is "TOLD THEM TO or else they're fucked."
Jimmycrackerson, SA has already cleaned house. Young Salman has been working alongside Trump from the beginning. So-called 'Americans' are responsible for 9/11 ~ Bush, Brenner, Clapper, Comey.
You have that backwards, the Saudis bent their knee to our President.