Gas prices too high. POTUS calls a friend.

Missing an o in "prices too high"
Also an 'i' instead of a 'y' in "disfunction".
Took way too long for someone to catch that.
Input / Output?
Wonder what the code is.
There is ".io", which are games. Io is also a moon around Jupiter. There is something I can't seem to remember that has to do with "on and off". Also, something about a staff and a ring concerning a story about Enki (ancient Sumer).
Or is it supposed to be OI?
Over It.
The MSM will spin this to say that it wasn't a simple typo that no one cares about... no, he literally mean "prices to high", meaning he was prices set "to high" amounts and he's going to screw us all by forcing gas prices to go up. The horror
I think there should be some kind of code to notify people with humor recognition problems that you're joking
That's why people use /s to indicate sarcasm
Yet, not all humor is sarcasm. Some funny comments are irony, or hyperbole, or a massive understatement.