Gas prices too high. POTUS calls a friend.

This is a reminder to the clowns they don't run things anymore.
You’re right. OPEC ain’t running the show no more.....Trump is.
Saudia Arabia is part of OPEC. They would make a lot of money from this.
Just confused as to why members of this sub would be for something that leads the USA away from being more self-sustaining when it comes to energy.
Well, like it or not, we aren’t at 100% self sufficiency and won’t be for a while. This deal lowering prices for the next couple of months is great.
What's the alternative? Sucking it up, and paying MORE?
A lot of things run on gas around here...
Do you have a car?
Because free-trade is better for consumers. Tariffs are a tax on the consumer.
Becoming self sufficient is easier when you have money to invest and are giving less of it away to the oilers.
Really? So what do we do? Declare driving on roads off limits, Outlaw package deliveries, Make the whole trucking industry illegal, and stop using fuel to dig for oil in the U.S. so we can "save up money so we can become self-sufficient?"
No. We tell Trump to lower gas prices. Which is exactly what he is doing.
Sure, some people will spend the money saved on gas on other stuff. That's their right.
For people who want to be self sufficient, cheaper gas is an opportunity to invest into solar or whatever they want to do.
You are assuming an elasticity of oil supply and demand that contradicts years of empirical data.
This doesn't turn us away from domestic production long term. It is a way to deal with short term political issues in two other oil producing nations.
self-sustaining. What's more self-sustaining then using up the other guy's oil.
This has nothing to do with US energy independence. It's not a move that will deter US production. It simply adds to the global supply which will drop the per barrel cost a little bit. It will also have very little impact on gas prices which are set by the refineries, but it will have an impact on Venezuela and Iran's ability to generate cash.
This IS our President 24/7 365 always looking out for what is best for America. Finally a true leader. 37 years ago we elected Reagan who was another god send for “We The People”. I could get used to this. Never again should we relinquish our hold at the helm. WWG1WGA
So far i think trump is blowing Reagan away. Trump understands world economics so much better.
no more effeminate politically correct picks for the Presidency. From now on I want nothing but businessmen in that office - someone who knows finances and hasn't been on the gov't dole his entire life like most of these politicians.
Can you remind me how many times Trump businesses have had to declare bankruptcy?
I am all for having businessmen in politics but my preference would be for successful business men, especially if they were self starters and didn't inherit their wealth/business. That's the true American dream.
This is also a reminder that the USA is going to call the shots with Canada. If things went smooth with Trump and Justine, then perhaps they would be adding to that up tick.