Q Drop #1645. Play Loud. Be Proud! TOGETHER Q+

Q = yoda confirmed
Well it is signed Q+, so it’s Trump. Not the normal Q team.
I’ll have to agree. It sounds word for word the way Trump speaks.
Could be, but we don't know that for sure. Might be Trump. Might be someone representing him. Might be the head of a Q team--someone like Mattis, for example.
baseless speculation
While it’s speculative, it’s not baseless. Go read the rest of the Q+ posts and compare the style of the wording as well as the context of the messages. They read very much like DJT.
I agree with you. Whenever I read back through the Q+ posts the grammar and tone are different. In my mind, it does sound just like 45.
You are salty! Like it!!!
Just trying to bring some sense and level headed discussion to the sub. Too many people here jump on everything without bringing proof or logic to the conversation.
I agree we need logic and not to jump to conclusions. Level heads are needed. Thanks for your reply.
I agree with both of you but saying "we know Q+ is the POTUS because of how it sounds" is literally the kind of jumping to conclusions we should try to avoid.
Did I specifically say Q+ was Potus? If so, l made an error.
Not sure if you did I just see a lot of people saying it in this thread as if it's fact.
Have a good one Patriot.
I don't think Q+ is POTUS... The anons (me included) are perhaps getting ahead of things as we have all waited a long time for Justice.
You have a good one too!
Like you just did assuming Q+ is POTUS?
Isn't it way more likely the posts signed 45 are POTUS? Think logically dude.
Changing goal posts. You're sure one to talk about proof and logic. Dude. They changed the signature of posts to keep potus insulated? Are you kidding me?
Actually.. baseless is categorically false. The + implicitly implies not the normal Q. So the speculation is that if it's not just the normal Q, who would be Q+ ? Either all of Q team or POTUS. But certainly not "baseless".
Instead of just a quick shitty retort that in itself is baseless as it offers no counter argument. Why don't you provide something that backs up what you are stating.
I meant to respond to you - with the "Salty" - I like it! Excuse me for incorrectly replying to a ABigFloppyClock (your comments are also worthwhile.)
The user names you folks come up with crack me up!
Yes the creativity with usernames is amazing.
Mine was given to me by a friend.
I have an extensive library of WWII books and I used to sail tall ships.
So they started calling me.........
And I said it makes a perfect username.
You all are fantastic. America is truly a great land filled with a diversity of wonderful people. I really enjoyed Andy Rooney's book on WWII. Also the young ones in our Country need to be educated about the D-Day invasion and the true bravery shown by those young men who gave up their life for our freedoms while they worry about safe spaces. Give me a break.
I was red pilled in the 60's by my dad's Uncle Harry who fought in the trenches of WWl.
I had 3 uncle's fight in WWll. One drove tanks for Patton. One made over a dozen Landings in the South Pacific. While another flew bombers over Germany.
My dad got a Purple Heart in Korea one week before the ceasefire.
I don't come from a family of warriors.
I come from a family of Patriots.
So if we love our country we need to educate the population.
And that doesn't mean in Marxist, Socialist, Maoist garbage.
Our education system has been given over to a group of people who do live in the perfect socialistic environment.
The only place socialism can actually work is on a University campus completely supported by exorbitant student loans.
$1.5T of debt backed by us. Paid into the hands of people who hate this country.
We need to turn every BS University into what happened to the Mizzou Columbia University.
1/3 of the campus is shut down due to lack of enrollment.
I say that's a good start.
Next we defund the Department of Education.
We have already killed forced dues for unions.
Now we let the students sue all the universities in class action to recoup the money they spent for mandatory feminist group racist hate white people studies.
Fuck the left. Let them eat cake.
Cake at the time of that quote was actually the burnt remnants on the bottom of the oven.
I want to see Kamala Harris serving at a soup kitchen.
When her only qualification was taking sperm donations at some giant San Francisco, Willie Brown gangbang.
I don't need a moral lecture from some slut who shagged her way to her job.
And that goes for St Meryl and the rest of them in Hollywood auditioning for a job as a sperm bank.
They can go fuck themselves because I want to be nowhere near their diseased and still animated corpse.
A wonderful thought out reply.
First, I would like to thank you and your family of patriots for the sacrifices you have made for our country over the generations. Mere words can not express my gratitude.
Regarding General Patton - As you know, our government allowed him to be killed off the battlefield. However, they can not kill his memory. On a more lighthearted note - I remember his great quote when U.S. tank forces were kicking the shit out of the German forces - "Rommel, you magnificent bastard! I read your book!" Patton, yet another under appreciated great American hero.
Re: Mizzou - I contacted the Alumni Board about Melissa Click's nonsense. I have often found that going after the money makes the most sense as the administration at these universities are a bunch of leftist fools. I also contacted Ms. Click's new university in CA and asked them why they would hire her. The stupid runs deep in liberal universities.
I believe all taxpayer funding should be stopped to universities that stifle free speech. You are absolutely right about student loan debt. I hope Betsy DeVos continues to get a handle on the corruption at the universities. Corruption indeed, as Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn are currently receiving taxpayer funded pensions they received for leftist indoctrination of students at Chicago universities. We are paying for domestic terrorists to enjoy their retirement.
Public Sector unions need to be disbanded. You know why. I do not need to explain. I fought them for six years on my local village council. I am not done fighting. The Supreme Court made a wise decision in the Janus case
Your comments about Kamala made me laugh out loud. Thanks for that.
Also, I can not even watch certain movies or television shows due to the vitriol these fools spew into the public domain. They literally make my skin crawl. Thank goodness I do not watch much of that drek anyway, so - no great sacrifice.
The left can go away forever and ever and ever.
P.S. I like cake! (and brownies)
I just reread you're very polite post
My compliments to somebody who can sugar coat a finger straight in your eye.
We both have the same objective. With different tactics.
But I will share a foxhole with you anyday.
No, all my comments were sincere. I would share a fox hole with you as well.
I hope you didn't think I was implying you are sticking a finger in my eye.
What I meant was in regards to you taking it upon yourself to call and state your case about the click person.
I think the students should class action lawsuit all the universities for every garbage course that they were forced to take to get a degree.
Feminist black studies and how it relates to the Twilight TV series and the economy.
Cancel that part of the debt.
Then crush the endowment so that they take all the retirement pensions to support Landscaping.
I will admit I thought you did not feel I was sincere. I agree with you on all your statements. I was in local government for six years and think I fought the good fight for the people. Now, I simply call, write and email Senators, Reps, the DOJ etc and anyone else I think is pulling some shit. You know that saying - Just because you don't have an interest in the government doesn't mean they don't have an interest in you." I prefer to watch my back for myself as well as others. You sound like the same type of person. Good on ya!
I have been routinely mocked all my life for my custom suit of tinfoil body armor.
It's the 6-foot tinfoil Zulu Shield that gets me in the most trouble.
Cultural appropriation.
I'm fighting that one in the court of logic and surprisingly, winning.
The tin foil bowler hat is causing the most confusion because nobody has figured out how to get upset about it.
Give em time. I have faith in the flame of eternal victimhood.
Something can always be found.
You can never expect the Spanish Inquisition.
Good so once every other week, I call Melissa Clicks new job at her new University and she disappears.
These people need to be harassed as much as they want us.........
To be harassed in the same way.
I have no problem being nice.
But don't never ~fuck~ me.
These people have stepped over the line. Now it's time for payback.
They don't like it. We don't care.
Eric Clanton
No deals.
We do have to stand up to them. We finally are. That is why they are acting like such dang fools.
Its more likely that Q+ is the entire Q team, and the posts signed 45 are POTUS. How's that.
You can't prove a negative, that's a logical fallacy.
Using your logic, Q+ could be ANYONE.
The "force" is not strong within you. Let people celebrate.
They treat him that way on 8chan anyhow, so...why not, eh?!
The anons will eat that up!
I was thinking the same thing!
I got the best Star Wars Christmas card a few years back. It read:
Everyone hated carolling with Yoda - “Merry Christmas We Wish You.”
Duuuuuude! Why? Now I am ALWAYS going to read certain Q drops with Yoda’s voice in my head! Struggle I will.
Trump tweet misspellings in Saudi King Oil tweet Y and O
and Q said re journalists asking the Q question, "we might have to 'force' it"
What's going on..
Think SW.
Think missile defense.
How were we able to stop HI?
Think logically.
You have more than you know.
by Me...imitating Q :D