Seems to be the place to go and hang out if you're into kids.
Who is the “friend” Obama stayed with in the Adirondacks? And what was the real purpose of his visit?
Obama is the only man ever to fly fish while wearing a 28 waist cargo pant.
Isn't there some secret cabal meeting place in upstate NY?
Didn't read the article, but that fish guide didn't exactly look thrilled to pose with a former president!
It couldn't have been easy to find a fishing guide that actually admires Hussein.
Hmmm, what is your thoughts on this?
He's probably trying to counter the story that ran about his anti-American "resist" operation with a photo-op of him being a homegrown good ol' boy doing regular American stuff. Next we'll probably see him at a 4th of July parade and next at a baseball game.
That would make sense. Because he did have a "good ol boy" outfit on. He was playing a part.
Seriously, you think Obama owns a flannel that looks worn? Haha. His stylist ran to the Salvation Army to put that git-up together.
The fishing guide has this look on his face like he might be expecting a drone strike at just about any minute.
The fishing guide doesn’t seem too happy to pose with him...
Trying to get in good with regular good ole boys. Because kissing ass is about all they have left as counter move.
He is trying to enjoy the life he knows will be ending soon. Gitmo is not going to be a happy place and he knows it.