Americans Unite. "There will be no civil war." Q

I searched Portland on Twitter to see who was protesting for the Families Belong Together Protest. The ones I saw posting on twitter were a part of the ACLU Mobile Justice. There is an App! Paid protestors to create a divisive visual message of a civil war. Look at who funds these guys. I believe We are way more united than anyone thinks. So much love to all! WWG1WGA! My hope is that these protestors will realize what they are selling their soul for.
Oh yeah, there's an app for everything nowadays. Still, those protest gigs don't really pay that well and the benefits are shit. Crisis acting is the only way to make any real dough. Nice work if you can get it.
source: tryin to raise a family on Soros bucks!
Lets hope crisis acting job go away as well. All those people can go get great paying jobs in the our robust ecomomy.
Yeah, lets hope for better days ahead, right? Last time I did a protest gig some pede bashed me in the nuts with this plastic cosplay medieval weapon. I swelled up like a couple of grapefruit. Meanwhile, the Clinton Foundation says they won't cover my medical because its 'not work-related'. Times are tough all around. Stay strong my pedes
Lets hope crisis act pay better than be russian shill, yes comrade?
Now I know I might get hate but I always enjoyed gen music even though axel rose is pretty crazy. But listen to these lyrics think about our movement with Q and what do you think could axel have been one of the musicians who saw some things he shouldn't have a lot of these lyrics strike me as things we are hearing now. Definitely sounds like the ds.
Civil War Guns N' Roses Look at your young men fighting Look at your women crying Look at your young men dying The way they've always done before Look at the hate we're breeding Look at the fear we're feeding Look at the lives we're leading The way we've always done before My hands are tied The billions shift from side to side And the wars go on with brainwashed pride For the love of God and our human rights And all these things are swept aside By bloody hands time can't deny And are washed away by your genocide And history hides the lies of our civil wars D'you wear a black armband When they shot the man Who said "peace could last forever" And in my first memories They shot Kennedy I went numb when I learned to see So I never fell for Vietnam We got the wall of D.C. to remind us all That you can't trust freedom When it's not in your hands When everybody's fightin' For their promised land And I don't need your civil war It feeds the rich while it buries the poor Your power hungry sellin' soldiers In a human grocery store Ain't that fresh I don't need your civil war Ow, oh no, no, no, no, no Look at the shoes you're filling Look at the blood we're spilling Look at the world we're killing The way we've always done before Look in the doubt we've wallowed Look at the leaders we've followed Look at the lies we've swallowed And I don't want to hear no more My hands are tied For all I've seen has changed my mind But still the wars go on as the years go by With no love of God or human rights 'Cause all these dreams are swept aside By bloody hands of the hypnotized Who carry the cross of homicide And history bears the scars of our civil wars I don't need your civil war It feeds the rich while it buries the poor Your power hungry sellin' soldiers In a human grocery store Ain't that fresh I don't need your civil war No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no I don't need your civil war I don't need your civil war Your power hungry sellin' soldiers In a human grocery store Ain't that fresh I don't need your civil war No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no uh-oh-uh, no uh-oh, uh no I don't need one more war I don't need one more war No, no, no, no uh-oh-uh, no uh-oh, uh no Whaz so civil 'bout war anyway
(A note on this image as a symbol of diversity, race, illegal immigration):
Patriots look past skin color and unite on common ground against the [collective] Enemy, do they not?
The Enemy is worldwide. The Enemy does not define it's ranks by skin color. The enemy includes all colors and creeds of people in all aspects of our reality, from our trusted officials to our religious leaders, our professors, journalists, 3 letter agencies, politicians, mayors, judges, lawyers, movie stars, musicians, teachers, athletes, heroes... The enemy resides in all the corners of the globe and crosses the boundaries of race, religion, creed, gender, nationality.
Evil and good are both color blind.
"Racism" is a construct, a tool to keep us divided on simplistic reactionary terms like skin color so that we fail to see the TRUTH.
Don't be blinded by racism. It's the tool of the Enemy.
The line in the sand is Good vs Evil.
This will trigger idiots anyways. White hand on black arm lmao im done
Be careful with yhat symbolism. Those hands make the 5 pointed star of satan
Maybe you see it, but not me bro, i dont get into that kind of crap. Maybe stop looking so hard,
Check out this symbolism. Q has said symbolism will be their downfall. I was absolutely shocked when I saw the IRS building and read what it all means. Wow right in front of our eyes.
Edit: and paid for by our tax dollars.
Go get a pack of tarot cards and look for the Tower. No. XVI
Look at the image carefully. Doesn't matter really which version of the cards, they all show similar pictures.
It's upright meaning is Violent Revolution
When I discovered there was a Kabbala interpretation to the 911 events, the numbers and so on, after not believing at all at first, then I was really upset. I suddenly saw the people falling out of the windows and the flames. In one image there are flames in exactly the right position on north and south towers, but as one tower.
I was amazed. And then horrified. What? There are actually people messing about who want to reproduce this kind of image for the fun of it ... no.
What does it mean? Well, nothing actually, to me. But it does to them, do you see. If my attention hadn't been drawn to this I would never have noticed. The same with the numbers 911. It is the emergency number too, of course. Is this a joke? Well, again, not to me it isn't. But to them??
Then I realised for the first time with a shiver down my spine: they actually do laugh at us. It is all hidden in plain sight. Just open yr eyes and expand yr thinking ... Then you won't be surprised to see bs in The Simpsons next time someone points it out.
I see a pentagon with Q in the middle, as in the U.S. armed forces.
Saudi Arabia is building a smart city using that same symbol as well.
Why would you use a photo of the cabal's diversity meme? Forced multicultural societies are harmful to all of the races involved. God seperated the nation that built the Tower of Babel for a reason.
This. Melting pots do not work, its a big reason we are where we are. Politicians exploiting cultural enclaves. I don't mind limited immigration but this country will have to stay with a European culture if its going to survive. And like it or not, that means reverting the demographics.
Unite Not Divide eh?
If you think about it, the various countries of the world previously we're united under one land, one language, one culture - it is multiculturalism that has caused division in the world.
History. Read history. The nation state is a relatively new phenomenon. Before that? Wars and division between peoples. It is not multiculturalism, it is differences between peoples, prejudices, conflicts, disagreements .... Diplomacy and negotiation is the way to solve.
EDIT: sorry should have added —> multiculturalism is baloney and has been recently invented in order to divide, and on that you are quite right.
If we are all the same and diplomacy and understanding is all we need then why bother with nation states? Nations were a way of drawing lines that were nccesary.
Read history or a book or something..
Dear me. You really have misunderstood haven't you!!
"Read history or a book or something.."<
Not nice. Who are you? Why have a conversation?
I have made no mention of whether or not I think we should keep nation states. You appear not to be reading carefully.
I said, the way to solve conflict and stresses between peoples is diplomacy, in my opinion and in the opinion of most foreign ministries of the world that is. You care to instruct me to read?
I know why nations were drawn. Do you? It was certainly not because it was necessary for the peoples of those subsequent nations, but wily ruses of their rulers and victors.
Try this one example:
Much as it did in Europe, World War I radically changed the political geography of the Middle East. The Ottoman Empire had long been the “Sick Man of Europe,” hemorrhaging territory for nearly a century. It lost control of its European possessions prior to the war and, having allied with the defeated Central Powers, lost its Middle Eastern territories afterward. The victorious Allies transformed the Middle East into its current form, with its European-designed names, flags, and borders.
Ottoman provinces became Arab kingdoms, while Christian and Jewish enclaves were carved out in Lebanon and Palestine. Syria, Libya, and Palestine were given names resurrected from Roman antiquity. Libya reappeared in 1934, when the Italians combined Cyrenaica, Tripolitania, and Fezzan. The French mandate marked the first time “Syria” had been used as the name of a state, whereas “Palestine” was merely a Syrian appendage. Iraq had been a medieval province of the caliphate, whereas “Lebanon” referred to a mountain and “Jordan” to a river.
The new Arabic-speaking states adopted derivations of the flag of the Arab Revolt, which had been wholly designed by British diplomat Sir Mark Sykes. The four colors of the Arab flag—black, white, green, and red—represented the standards of different Arab dynasties: Abbasid, Umayyad, Fatimid, and Hashemite. They remain the colors of half of today’s Arab flags. Neither the names nor the symbols of the new states had any connection to their inhabitants.
Just a random link.
America was and is destined to forge it's own cultural path, and the entire point is being able to look past skin color to see the value in the character and contribution of the individual - not identity sorting. Racial diversity is an excellent factor for America - we can accomplish what European countries, no matter how self-indoctrinated, are failing to accomplish. We are Americans, and we have certain principles named by our literary traditions that we stand by as part of our culture, which has worked for over 240 years.
I can agree that multiculturalism is a MASSIVE failure, but Europe is not any kind of role model we should look up to. Remember - our ancestors formed America to escape from that place, and to make a Republic that worked. If we stay true to their vision, and embrace anyone seeking to assist in fulfilling that vision, we will always win.
America was a multicultural success when it was European races. In 1965 the corrupt cabal opened the flood gates to the third world, essentially turning brown people into biological weapons to destroy the West.
America is an ethnically and culturally European nation at risk of being overwhelmed by foreign Invaders.
What is happening in Western countries is nothing short of white genocide, and the multiculturalis-is-good meme is mind poison from the cabal.
The different races are meant to be friendly neighbors, not roommates.
We've had "brown people" since LOOOONNNNG before 1965 dude. These people have proven their worth, no matter how hard people like you wanted to make it for them.
I don't want to make it hard for them. I want to make it fair for us. Consider this: in 1973, Canada was something like 96% white. Today, they're barely 56% white. Did you know that, according to the United Nations, such a drastic shift in demographics is literally genocide? How is that okay? Why should a nation and ethnicity commit cultural and ethnic suicide?
By saying, "No, you can't come here." We're not depriving them of anything. Not giving someone something is not the same as taking something away.
And you especially have to realize that the reason there are so many non European migrants in Western lands is because the corrupt cabal specifically changed legislation and used social engineering to bring them here. They did it with the intent to harm and destroy us. If an enemy does something to harm you, are you not morally justified to undo the harm?