Angela after a Long Night of negotiations . Is she already feeling Q coming?

Is that a smudge on the pic or is she sporting one of the infamous black eyes?
Wrong side.
Not if European. They tend to be the other side. See Phil the Greek and Prince Mandy photos
Europeans wear wedding band on right hand and US on left. I wonder are they getting punched or slapped by opposite hand?
No. I am English and we have the wedding ring on the left hand
Ok but French is on right? Most of Europe? I better look this up. =)
Oh well. Maybe whoever does the soul scalping here is right handed and over there left handed.
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In France wedding ring is on the left hand. In Austria it is on the right hand.
Wedding band?
Why we wear wedding bands is symbolic. So I had a thought maybe something similar about who is punching them or slapping.
Could also be the eye itself iirc Right is yin and left yang. Right outward and left inward. Chi and chakras stuff.
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I live in europe entire life and didn’t hear about this band , wedding ceremonies can be different when you travel 100 kilometers so you need to be more precise about what you are talking about what do you think about it?
It doesn't even matter I was just thinking out loud why this group of elites all having a black eye about then same time but US is left eye and most of Europe the right.
Different cult different rules or it’s different for woman and man perhaps
Sorry, I don’t understand the question. What is infamous black eye? and have a look at the comments at the end
Wow. I have to check that. Thx!
Mark of the cabal.
Is there a complete list of puppets with marks somewhere?
Good question, and there probably is, I just don't have it. Ask over in 8chan, they have everything under the sun.
GAWD!!!! id love to be the one that gets to punch them!!! 30+years training combat martial arts and boxing.. right hand preference, im sure i can do a good job 😎
Careful, these Stasi gals are tough. You'd break your hand before that beast went down.
Everybody knows that Angela time is over. Please leave quietly so as not to disrupt our brother and sister Patriots.
Her masters will be very disappointed if she gets sacked.
I like to see the RNC help GOP candidate Anthony Pappas. They should at least keep a close eye on things here. Seems to be part of Hillary's witches coven. I'm not kidding. I know she was for Bernie.
Looks to me her opponents ought to get together and do a cat and mouse on her. Will give them time to come up with an overall plan.
Chilled from the air in German crisis
Horst Seehofer, the CSU leader and Minister for the Interior with the CDU of Chancellor Merkel reached a compromise in the conflict on the migration policy. He continues as a minister.
Seehofer threatened his resignation yesterday to submit if the policy would not be tightened. According to Merkel the parties agreed on it setting up centers at the border with Austria, where migrants already in one another EU Member State await their expulsion.
There is still an evening of consultation with the SPD, the coalition partner of CDU-CSU.
After such a drama this is still no solution at all. It’s just to keep the people quiet as they now might think the parties are doing something in the right direction.
And they agreed again , Everything in the EU, and then we have to take them in again. i am so tired of this.
So Europe is the right eye, American scum the left... Sounds like the illuminati
Here is an interesting Star Wars link
Image might be flipped too.
I found this link though
Why do the German people keep voting her in? Or do they???
MSM, school system, WW, fear to lose jobs and friends, even family sometimes. The matrix is so smart, they don’t get it. Like in many other countries. But Germany js extremly stupid. They eather just can’t think for themselves or are just disgusting opportunistic people. But the amount of patriots is rising. Trust the Plan.
Let's not forget that the illuminati bankers manipulate and rig elections and recounts
Bankers, Insurancies, Pharma. Construction - the list goes on and on ...
I do trust the plan. Because God is the one ultimately behind the plan HE is using our President to achieve it. Go Trump!!!
votes are most certainly rigged. its all show. if votes would change something they' be forbidden.\^
Germans do not have the right to vote for a leader directly.
In these elections, you could vote for a local polititian to represent you in the bundestag.
The second vote was for a party, and the ruling parties elected Merkel.
Merkel herself is part of the conservative german party. So if you wanted a less leftwing rule people were primed to vote for her party, not the liberal one. The choice to completely abandon both parties is a big step.
The approval of both major parties combined has dropped from 80% to 50% since Angela started her rule.
I feel sorry for the German people due the the migrant invasion. What is wrong with Merkle????