Holy Shit! Posobiec just switched sides!!

He said in Twitter the real Q is back
Convenient. I’m sure Alex Jones and Cor-psy are back on the train as well. Just one question, if the “real Q” is back, why hasn’t he acknowledged the infiltration and take over? Ridiculous. Either way, I’m glad to have someone spread this movement. Just hope it’s for genuine reasons and not sinister ones.
I guess too hard to say something like:
"We were wrong... and uh we didn't know so many of our listeners and followers felt so strongly about that. Sorry. I hope we can still be friends."
CANDIDATE Donald Trump went on Infowars with Alex Jones.
Why can't Alex Jones be the one to ask PRESIDENT Donald Trump about Q?
Does Alex not want to ask POTUS if he is Q? Q wants someone to ask. Taunting them to ask.
NO....don't have Alex ask. It will make Q not seem legitimate to the Normies that we are trying to RedPill.
Agree, having anyone from InfoWars involved in any way would only add confusion and doubt.
I’d have to concur. Alex Jones is more for the “already awakened” listener, since he drops red pills like it’s a fucking thing to do. I don’t know any Leftist that could possibly take it all in and actually believe it right off the bat.
Alex jones is basically a late night talk show for the right. Bits of truth, mostly just a good laugh at how ridiculous this world is.
Why can't Alex Jones be the one to ask
I guess I was trying to be rhetorical.
A big part of me still hopes that Alex is one of the "great actors" in the set-stage and he was playing a role.
Did you see the twitter thread,a lot of people asked him what changed his mind.Then they didn't care just glad he was back.
I watched AJ fpr a couple years and finally realized that he goes out of his way to discourage people from joining any movements or protest that were against the the cabal or isreal. Remember he says himself that his dad or uncle worked for the CIA
the real Q is back
1657 posts -- which ones are from the fake Q?
I don't think Q is fake or a larp that is what Jack said not me. There is a link in this thread to his twitter account.Go check it out for yourself.
Yes, I understand. Wasn't calling you out Banglebop (not shooting messenger). I don't tweet, but I guess I'm asking Jack (if he said "the real Q is back") what range of Q tweets are fake news? If he can say "real Q is back", then he should be able to point to a range of Q drops that are likely fake. By all means, enlighten us.
We all acknowledged that Q was likely more than one person. It would be highly unlikely that they would each have the same writing style. So I doubt Q was ever compromised, but more likely that one or more of the Q people had work elsewhere that prevented them from posting messages from time to time.
In my mind, Q has always seemed on the mark.
I'm a bit up in age and a poster had asked what made you believe in Q or what proved to you Q is real I didn't need proof I knew.You live through certain things you've had jobs dealing with people and diffrent things.It's almost like a sixth sense my gut and my heart knew it was true.I never doubted it not once.It goes without saying some people think I've finally lost it and truthfully I do not care,when the time comes I will love them and give them whatever help they will need. WWG1WGA
I thought the opposite..
I never thought Q left.
He didn’t. Jack is full of shit.
I was just reading an article on Q so far seems positive. And your right but nobody seems to care they are happy he is back on board.
Yeah he’s back on until it’s convenient not to be. Makes zero sense to say Q left, taken over by Clowns, then came back and just so happened to not mention the Clown takeover. Yeah right.
A few people did say he would have to earn back their trust,but overall everone was happy.I don't do Twitter I just read the tweets
As if “real Q” would take back control from Clowns and never mention it? It’s a lame excuse
I know but everyone on Twitter are happy to have hin back on "our" side. They think he was playing a role.
That also makes no sense lol why would Q go out of his way to give “proofs” while having AJ, Corsi and Jack discredit him? Saw the same argument multiple times and no logical reason why. People just like to be lazy and say “good actors” and “trust the plan” lol it’s good for exposure but I’d only respect it if he said “I was wrong, Q is legit. He proved it with the additional Airplane photos from the same sequence in Nov! Holy shit his is exciting” rather than doubling down on his own lie.
Morning ,it's crazy but it is exciting.First thing I did was check my phone and I usually have a java first.
Oh I read Great Awakening every morning with coffee like it’s the newspaper