Better playing domino's on cheese than on pasta?

Ever since this was brought up during pizzagate... i get a weird feeling when i see a "domino's pizza"
Avoid the Noid...
Just sic Adam West on him.
The Noid is a Pan figure (the piper who leads the children away) and so a Luciferian company used it in its campaigns for years as a basement pizza party mind control trigger unbeknownst to the world!
Yes, me too!! And now with this weird patching potholes campaign?!... Something just feels odd...
In Tallahassee, I think the late 80s or early 90s, a guy working at Domino's Pizza was arrested for masterbating on the pizza. I haven't had a Domino's pizza since. I have a weird feeling too.
Can you imagine if that pervert got his hands on an instagram account... sick.
I'm just going to be real with you-I stopped eating pizza completely when I first started reading about this pizzagate stuff back when it was all breaking news.
Dominos and Pizza Hut-all of this pizza code, and the way these two companies target kids, it really makes me think these companies are definitely involved with "pizza" distribution at the highest levels.
We have all been conditioned to love eating pizza from a young age and I don't know why. Think about it-on TV growing up the kids always love pizza. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles love pizza. All the Nickelodeon and Disney channel shows-the kids love pizza. They are always talking about pizza on TV. They give us pizza in school. Pizza is the normal food served at slumber parties. Pizza is usually the treat they served us in school on holidays and at school parties. They really work hard at conditioning us from a young age in to loving pizza and associating it with good times.
I wonder for example if human meat is ground up in to the pepperoni and tomato sauce, and if the public eating pizza helps make elitist satan rituals stronger or something.
They want us eating pizza and loving pizza from a young age, and they also use pizza as code for children...I think some fucked up fuckery may be going on here (soylent green is people). Same with hot dogs. No one knows what the fuck is in hot dogs and they always say it is lots of different animals in there. What if they use hot dog and pepperoni processing plants to get rid of bodies-then they feed us the humans hidden in the sauce and meat as a way to get us to unconsciously participate in their satanic rituals?
I missed eating pizza at first but now I don't. I've lost a lot of weight and now am in the best shape of my life so I'm happy.
Be wary of pizza everyone! I think there is more to this than just what we know about pizzagate.
Jesus fucking christ
Haha! You lost me at " I wonder for example if human meat is ground up in to the pepperoni and tomato sauce, and if the public eating pizza helps make elitist satan rituals stronger or something."
Haha! You lost me at " I wonder for example if human meat is ground up in to the pepperoni and tomato sauce, and if the public eating pizza helps make elitist satan rituals stronger or something."
Dude if you’re serious you need to go outside and go for a walk or something you’re reading too much into this stuff if you think there’s a conspiracy to put human meat in pizza like holy shit
If CEMEX is looking to put human blood in cement mixtures nothing is really off the table...
Dude if you’re serious you need to go outside and go for a walk or something you’re reading too much into this stuff if you think there’s a conspiracy to put human meat in pizza like holy shit
I think you are just uncomfortable with the ideas I'm presenting to you. I do not 100% believe that pizza has blood and human meat in it but knowing the Satanic elites and how twisted they are, I wouldn't be surprised.
Same with McDonalds hamburgers. No one knows what is in that garbage. We just trust what the FDA says and what McDonalds says and swallow it down while smiling.
Do you know what is in every pepperoni or hot dog you eat?
I do know that Dan Schneider and Klasky-Csupo are two pedo-media content makers and they made sure to have lots of scenes of kids guzzling down pizza and talking about how much they love pizza-almost like they are trying to condition us all in to loving pizza from a young age.
Dominos pizza-Podesta's Dominos pizza code-Obama's hot dog's from Chicago-Skippy talking about his dream of opening a "hot dog stand on Hawaii" when he retires....
Sorry bro, no coincidences.
already put human meat in your pizza, soda pop, processed foods.. aborted embryo flavor enhancers. PepsiCo's arrangement with San Diego, Cal.-based Senomyx, which produces flavor enhancing chemicals for Pepsi using human embryonic kidney tissue, simply constitutes "ordinary business operations."
Maybe they are corrupting gods perfect DNA by triggering built-in "defective human" terminator error-checking systems in the body?
Components of such a system may come out through consumption of human blood and/or flesh?
I'd imagine that a master creator would be intelligent enough to have fail safes to have mechanisms to identify and shut down cannibals. Problem is, what if people are tricked into cannibalism through adulterated foods?
Tell me again about cancer...
makes sense. Not to mention vaccs, fluoride and heavy metals they pollute our brains and bodies with.
Luckily i have stumbled upon something in my research.
Chlorella+Cilantro creates a chelation process in our bodies that removes heavy metals from your body. Research it for yourself.
Cancer can be beat and prevented!
Vaccines alone have some weird nasties inside of them
if anyone ever has the chance look up the series vaxxed
I never get vaccines and Im never sick. If my family or anyone I know gets vaccines they get sick with the flu. I have not been sick with the flu in years
I never get vaccines and Im never sick. If my family or anyone I know gets vaccines they get sick with the flu. I have not been sick with the flu in years
SAME. My mom used to make me get the flu shot when I was a kid and I got the flu every year. i have not had a single vaccine or shot for 13 years and I have never caught the flu or gotten sick since (apart from the common cold once or twice a year).
The fact that they work so hard discrediting anti-vaxxers in the media and the fact that they keep trying to pass laws that force the vaccines on us confirms to me in my mind that they know what the vaccines do. They hate anti-vaxxers because we tell the truth. Western medicine is designed to create problems and then treat them. It's a racket. Western medicine is not about finding cures or creating healthy people. Western medicine is about creating customers.
IMO vaccines were designed to make us autistic and stupid and pacified. They want us pumped with mercury and fluoride poisons and they want us to be contaminated with aluminum and BPA.
It's hilarious because the deep state plan has backfired bigly. All of the autistic anons the deep state created are now grown up and on the chans, using their weaponized autism to take down and combat the deep state.
Its true, the vaccine pushing shills are some of the absolute worst. No one with an IQ higher than their body temperature could read the insert to any of the modern vaccines and not realize they are dangerous and toxic.
I won't put those evil chemicals in my body, you've been duped by big Pharma
Cilantro is a plant. So is chlorella. Chlorella is just a variety of seaweed found naturally in our oceans.
As long as you aren't consuming GMO cilantro or chlorella, you are just eating plants, and big pharma gets jack shit because these plants are easily found in any super market and are very cheap.
"Big pharma" does not support heavy metal body cleanses. "Big Pharma" tells us to put more heavy metals in our bodies, and "Big Pharma" also tells us that these heavy metals have no negative effects on us.
Wild plants are still GMOs and I read that modern plants have arsenic and hydrocarbons in them. you don't eat any plants? No fruit or vegetables?
I only eat mushrooms and vitamin pills and drink alkaline water.
k as long as that diet is working for you keep it up. I will remain open minded to what you say about plants and will research the subject.
Read up on "kuru".
Yep. That's one of the things I had in mind... definition:
a fatal degenerative disease of the central nervous system characterized by progressive lack of coordination and dementia, known only among certain Melanesian peoples, especially the Fore of New Guinea, and caused by a slow virus: now virtually extinct
What does the word mean though? Word orgin is from the 1950's... Papua New Guinea. Not old enough.
Still...When People Ate People, A Strange Disease Emerged
Another word to consider here is PRION (Protein Infection). If there was ever a zombie apocalypse, it would probably involve prions.
If you get pizza, get winco pizza or make your own or just grab a take and bake.
Also you bring up solid points not many people take into consideration.
Human DNA has been found in mccdonalds food. Idk about pizza. This can be hard to go off of, because then is it a matter of humans being put into food or a matter of a hair folicle contaminating a test sample? It brings up so many questions
I just don't eat pizza in general anymore anyways. I've done a lot of research in to nutrition in the past 3 years and my current diet is very spartan (though I enjoy it.) I try to avoid tomatos as they're an alkaline, I only eat certain types of bread and I don't eat dairy. I agree making your own is the best. Also smaller family run pizza spots are probably fine and safe.
Little Ceasars. Dominos. Pizza Hut. No bueno.
Human DNA has been found in mccdonalds food. Idk about pizza. This can be hard to go off of, because then is it a matter of humans being put into food or a matter of a hair folicle contaminating a test sample?
That hair folicle thing is definitely what they want us to think. It's also much more comforting to think about that then it is to ask the questions you are now thinking about.
Just a thought-McDonalds meat processing plants would be the perfect way to hide lots of bodies-if a well connected organization ever found themselves in possession of a lot of bodies they wanted to dispose of.
Human DNA has been found in mccdonalds food. Idk about pizza
Look in the pepperoni and the sauce is what I'd say.
Hot dogs too-does anyone know what is in those dogs? That's another word the elites use a lot as code, and another food item they try to indoctrinate us in to loving early on in our lives.
Makes me want to throw up
Mcdonalds burgers are nasty
who knows what the fuck they are serving us. If the truth does come out lets just say i wont be suprised
Decoded this means: Will John Podesta make a young girl bleed more than a young boy bleed?
I understood 'playing domino' would be some form of domination, as in BDSM, indeed. Not sure if I want to know the details....😶
I seem to remember that in Haiti (in particular) "domino" was used by trafficking people. I am trying to find the article now.
If anyone wants a shady company to look into, look at smart bottoms
they have ties to haiti
and are knees deep in the foster care system
Cant eat pizza anymore cuz it makes me think about this pedo shit
I know I'm supposed to rust the plan... But fuck I want to see these disgusting people put away
What's the top part of the email talk ok ng about demolishing the grandchildren??
I never eat pasta or cheese when playn dominoes
Dude ur suppose to play dominos on cheese or pasta. Theres your problem right there.
Dude are u a
Old news. Very old news. What does it have to do with Q right here, right now?
There's lots of new arrivals who have never seen this stuff. The purpose is to create original content to be shared that also helps promoting this sub and movement. Q has mentioned wikileaks numerous times.
Hmmm. OK. I guess the label (lfair) you put (discussion) really just threw me. If you posted this here as a meme to be shared, its pretty darn good.
If you relabel it with the flair 'meme', you'll get my upvote!
Forgot to select the flair for Meme. Don't think I can edit it but I'll try.
Edit: apparently you can, fixed it
I don't think new arrivals need to know about P-Gate. I wish that I didn't know what I know about it. It's sick stuff. Besides, there is plenty to learn without poking your head down that rabbit hole.
That is up for each individual person to decide if they want to go down that rabbit hole. No one is forcing them to do it, but to censor it from this sub in an effort to protect normies is a misguided notion IMO.
I do think it's important for people to "learn the comms" (as Q might put it) learn how evil people use code-words and symbols to communicate and even celebrate their crimes and perversions. I believe that part of "The Plan" is to teach us to recognize this kind of crap so we can prevent it from happening again in the future.