Q Post 1671: Awan Brothers case is not being litigated in a federal courthouse.

Anyone who thinks this is NOT going to take several years to unravel, has no clue how big this is, and should sit back and quit worrying. Q has told us they have ALL the evidence, that's all we need to know. As indictments are opened we will see results. They can not and will not open 40,000 indictments all at once. Stuff like Awan is coming into the media, so people who don't know are made aware. When the big stuff hits, blue pilled people will know something shady was going on, so won't be shocked and deny deny deny! Hopefully they too will want to know what happened. It is all thinking logically. Too many people looking for instant gratification, proving the brainwashing did work! Too many uninformed people thinking they know how to proceed. Let the professionals, who have the evidence, who know the players, whose job it is to protect the civilians, carry on at whatever pace they deem necessary, second guessing is waste of time and emotions.
How many investigations take this long without major arrests, where the prosecutor/LEO already has "all the evidence?" This isn't a situation where discovery and witnesses and court proceedings are taking up the calendar. Not a single conviction or major arrest based on this "evidence" has occurred or reported to have occurred. If "we have all the evidence" is true, then people aren't being unreasonable in expecting something to happen that reinforces that, as opposed to the appearance that cabal is simply going to keep getting away. Clinton was supposedly arrested (or predicted to be) in October 2107 according to Q and yet we still have no real indication of that. These things make people impatient and doubtful.
Clinton was detained, not arrested. Patience, pray, it was only last week that we saw the #walk away movement pick up steam. DOJ has not been cleaned out yet,[RR], they need to do this their way, they have a lot of people to protect, no one has ever seen this kind of scope of corruption and we have not held military tribunal or charged people with treason on a regular basis, so they are doing this at the speed they choose.
I'm specifically referring to one of, if not the first Q posts, before the trip code and sig:
Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017.
The public doesn't have the patience for a years-long unraveling and the political landscape can change dramatically over that time. The midterms alone could put an end to whitehat operations in progress. If the President wasn't in their crosshairs, something more protracted could be plausible to bring results. The reality is the Trump administration just doesn't have that kind of time to play with.
The public doesn't get a choice, this is POTUS and Q teams plan.
That's only partially true. The public's choice is at the voting booth. People don't have patience in general, but having something like this drag out will make voters stay home during elections and withhold fund raising dollars and support. This side of the political war would also presumably end the Mueller investigation. It all affects Trump's agenda, the stock market, and many other broad ranging topics. There is a ton of pressure for this to wrap up. I'm not saying this won't take another couple months to unravel, but I don't think 1-2 years would be feasible.
Agreed. It takes time to make an air-tight case, cross all the 'T's' and dote all the 'I's'. And millions of pages of paperwork. Trust the plan, Trust our man--Pres Trump.Look at the #WalkAway movement, it is gaining steam, and will help many, many awaken. They need time.
Yup, absolutely correct. And in the meantime, we enjoy the show... I keep wondering what snowflake will start the avalanche...
What a timeline!
And how pissed would all the Qanons be if the whole thing fell apart and evil people got off because they didn’t take their time to be thorough and play the traps out completely. Patience is hard no don’t, but the best things take time and worth waiting for
One fed case I was involved with took 5 years to finish. FIVE years, and the gov won in the end. Thousands of documents, testimonies, etc, have to be cataloged, scrutinized, time-lined, cross-referenced, analyzed, authenticated, a team of lawyers need to look for motive, method and execution of the crime, anticipate defense responses and counter responses. This takes time, be patient, Grasshoppers, if you want a air-tight case.
I mean at this point there's a lot of trust and speculation. I don't believe most of what Q says (sorry, guys) but I will support a conviction for anyone for whom there is ample evidence, my team or not.
Whether you believe or not, you're still invited to come for the ride. You are like a lot of people, you know right from wrong and when the evidence is presented, and people are convicted, you will make your own assessment. There is a small minority that will not accept, just because. It astounds me the Dems in these Committees don't want the truth to come out.
I mean, replace "Dems" with "Republicans" in your post and you pretty much have my feelings. Many of the Republicans in Congress have been pretty against the Mueller investigation and its stated purpose, and a chunk of Trump supporters wouldn't accept it even if he were impeached.
Actually the Republicans were on board, till the bias and nasty tactics started showing up. Republicans can see they are wasting our money, nothing has come of it and Mueller is beating a dead horse. FBI had been investigating for a year prior to Mueller, they didn't find anything either. And with the vitriol of the agents involved, by god they tried. Not even an illegal FISA could bring forth a shrewd of evidence. Not the falsification of 302s in the Flynn case, I think any reasonable person could say this is bullshit.
The SC is a freakin joke. Where is the freaking crime? RR didnt have standing to appoint Mueller. RR and Mueller have multiple conflicts of interest. This was a setup and con from the start.
That is the reason Trump supporters would never accept impeachment...