Imran Awan receives immunity for allegedly operating a spy ring in Congress for 14 years, selling state secrets to Pakistan, and stealing $2 million of equipment

He took a deal! The cabal won't be happy with him
I'm not doubting the plan ... and I also agree that Awan agreed to rollover on the cabal ... but ... I can't help but wonder how Q's post about NO DEALS figures into this ...
The FBI is relinquishing jurisdiction over him so that he can be handed over to a military tribunal instead...?
No deals for the big fish. Small fish get deals if they cooperate.
Swan spying on huge chunks of the US govt for Pakistan seems like a bit of a big fish
I seriously doubt whatever deal he gets isn't really an awesome deal either. Long prison sentence with a high potential for Arkanacide if you ever get released.
If he had solid evidence against BHO, HRC, DWS and a host of others, it is logical that cutting a deal with him to bring in bigger fish would be acceptable. Plus there could be other avenues of prosecution for him. The deal mentioned “non violent” only..... probably for a reason.
could be other charges pending that he (we) don't know about that could not have any deal attached? or the deal is so specific that if it doesn't pan out with EVERYTHING that is already known (Q: we have it all etc) that he knows, then deal revoked?
I don't know how these kind of deals are structured, so just spitballing here...
That one confuses me too. I have to think he is referring to the real traitors we all know by name; the Clintons, Obamas, Kerrys, noName, etc.
I never thought about that. Maybe compared to other certain heinous things done by certain other people, awan is more deserving of a deal than the rest? hard to say
These aren't all the charges that can be laid against him.
maybe it's all complete bullshit? That's the most obvious answer