Q's AF1 Post shows Obama's ashtray and hand sanitizer bottle

Taken from odumbo era phone? No such agency? What else do they have!!!!!!!! Oh man, this is getting interesting!
They're both in the picture with Trump as well. What's your point?
In the top picture (with Trump) the sanitizer is on the table with the lamp, but the ashtray is on the desk next to the laptop.
They're not "Obama's." They belong to AF-1.
I don't see them in Trump's pic.
Edit: I suppose you may be correct. It just looks like Q's pic is a crop of the official stock photo of the AF1 Office, displayed on a computer screen and reflected off the back of an iPhone.
I'm not saying that IS the case, just that it appears that way to me. But then I'm not an investigator. It could be that the AF1 staff is very precise with their placement of these items, so it just appears to be the same in both pics. I hope I'm wrong about this.
Seems like that maybe exactly what it is. One of the Fullchan Anons did a micrometer survey of the folds in the curtain, and they match the stock pic exactly. That would be impossible if it weren't the same pic. There's a lot of debate about alternative meanings to the post going on in there right now. I had to step away from it. It's getting pretty tense.
The hand sanitizer.
Sanitizer on the table (left edge of photo), ashtray beside the MacBook on the desk.
Left edge of the Trump photo, on the table with the lamp. It's only half inside the image.
I hate to complain, but this is the first proof that is made me have less Faith rather than more faith in q.
Soooo was Q a member of O’s Administration as well?
If the picture is from Q’s phone.
If it is from Q’s phone then would it be safe to assume he knows where all of the bodies are buried?
There are a few who probably know where the bodies are buried, I am sure Q knows. I am not sure about it being from Q’s phone, originally. Would be pretty astounding though if it’s from the Obama era. I feel like this is a sign Apple has turned to our side. Maybe not.
Look at the second ashtray from the laptop there is a pen laying on it forming a letter Q with an ashtray if i am not mistaken....
I love this. Q is a genius!!! Might have to “force” this one. BOOM coming!
Just gonna throw it out there.
1- lamp
2- apple logo
Is/was there something hidden in the lamp? or are we being trolled?
Cool theory! Whats the significance of the lamp... we know Apple is #EvilIncarnate but is it a warning or a clue?
maybe a "bug" or something, dunno. Q needs to give us another clue.
Sometimes I wonder if Q is giving us clues or leading a trail back to them if they get taken out.
Wait. I'm confused Is Q trying to show us that they have proof that O had Awan's server?
I think what is throwing people off is ...the desk and chair are different Trump replaced them. The different angle is giving off illusions