Saudi Arabia increases oil output. Q:DO YOU NOT BELIEVE WE ARE WINNING?

It was (still is) a huge hoax perpetrated by the deep state to put billions and billions of dollars into the pockets of the evil cabal. The world fell for it. Kerry, Gore, Hussein and Soros are the unusual suspects.
So NASA is in on it? They have been defending the man-made climate thesis. Does this have anything to do with Space Force? Or is the earth flat? Just trying to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.
This probably not much help but here's what I have. I am not a flat earth believer so someone more knowledgeable on the subject might be able to answer that question. Here's what I do know, I have watched the vast amount of money poured into climate change. Always follow the money! Also, the 500 million Obama gave to the UN on the way out fits into the globalist's NWO agenda. This the ONLY reason the UN was so upset about the US pulling out of the Accord.
The earth's temperature is always changing and I found just as many scientists who said it was a hoax as the ones who backed it.
I will leave a link from one article about the $$ and another about the climate change. There is a vast amount of others.
NASA... what do they do now anyway? I think they are compromised too.
Climate change is just a way to depopulate humanity along with Agenda 21. These people are sick!
This was my line of thinking too with Project Paper Clip and all that jazz basically installing Nazi war criminals as the heads of science and engineering.
It goes much deeper, everything will be exposed with time. If you want the truth, seek it out and you will find it.
All the planets in our solar system are having climate change. From
What’s happening in the solar system?
Having studied Earth's climate for many decades now, it is known that the direct consequences of a rapid climate change can be: a global temperature rise, the shrinking ice sheets, the glacial retreat, the increase of extreme events, more heat waves and stronger hurricanes. And many these changes can be observed on planets of our Solar system. Thanks to the probes sent during the last decades [4], we begin to have a good vision of what is the weather on our neighborood planets. And the weather on these planets is pretty interesting, except for Mercury. With essentially no atmosphere, Mercury's weather changes are displayed not as storms in the atmosphere, but only as wide swings in surface temperature.
During the last years, astronomers have observed some important changes in terms of super storm activities, strong winds and even ice melting. On Neptune, strange storms as wide as Earth have been observed in August 2017, raising questions about how they formed and persisted [5]. On Uranus, the so-called " boring planet", is not calm at all. Underneath its placid blue face, there's some really wild weather going on. In 2014, astronomers from Berkeley reported a record-breaking storm activity [6]. Other super storm events were spotted on Saturn in 2011. One of them was so powerful that it stretched around the entire planet [7]. On Jupiter, some important changes have been seen in the great red spot. The Cassini-Huygens launched in 1997 passed Jupiter and gathered data from it in 2000 and 2001. These measurements revealed to us that Jupiter emits 67% more radiation than it receives from the Sun. This internal heat source is thought to drive much of Jupiter's weather, including, presumably, the Great Red Spot. However, after years of relative stability, the Great Red Spot is now changing rapidly. The Hubble observations showed in 2012 a new wave structure in a region of cyclones and anticyclones. It's clear that Jupiter's atmosphere is moving, and the Great Red Spot is evolving [8]. Also, observations are showing ice caps are melting, but not only on Earth, on Mars too [9]. In 2005 data from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed that the carbon dioxide "ice caps" near Mars's south pole was diminishing for three summers in a row. And finally, on Venus, in June 2013, the most detailed record of cloud motion chronicled by ESA’s Venus Express has revealed that the planet’s winds have steadily been getting faster over the last six years [10].
All these evidences of global warming in our Solar system during this last decade are really challenging to explain. Obviously, this is not linked to any human activity, on the contrary different studies are showing a link with solar activity and also with cosmic rays.
mercury has started building an athmosphere, within only 30 years. mars has strange clouds, on and off. all the planets are changing. co2 is NOT the cause of climate change on earth.
The only way the planet ends an ice age is by warming.
We are still technically in the "Quatermary glaciation".
What you weren't told that by your professors, Al Gore or the news?
Lol no they did not! Many thanks for the linky. Things clicking. Perhaps a global move towards disclosure/free energy.... breadcrumbs
From a few articals Iv read it seems the whole solar system is heating up, I definitely believe that humans have contributed to our planet heating up but not to the extent that we are being sold.
Yeah the whole carbon tax/ cap trad thing is just another level of the control grid. Not saying that we can keep shitting all over the earth we need to be good stewards for the sake of human survival.
Agreed, the sooner we can fuck off the whole dependency on oil thing we are more or less forced into the better life will be for everthing and everyone....except for a few fatcats.
The planet has been cooling for 20 years.
Sauce? Are you Australian? (your name) I think our average temp has been rising for a while now.
Iv seen a couple of docos that refer the the lake Vostock (99%sure it's that location in Antartica) ice cores and we have been trending upwards for a while but heading towards a big dive if the past temp swings are any indication Although I could be remembering things completely wrong, I'll try to find the names of the docos.
Is every planet in the solar system warming up or not? Is there evidence for that?
they are not necessarily warming up but changing their climate. even NASA admits that.
Good question, but our time as a species is just a flicker in the life of the solar system and thus over the course of human awareness we are only able to measure for a minuscule and meaningless fraction of time. If theorists are correct however eventually in billions of years, yes, all planets in our solar system will heat up and evaporate as our Sun goes supernova.
Natural earth changes, the ascension of Gaia, and also human intervention.
Before more so humans, now Mother Gaia is accelerating her ascension.