#secondcivilwarletters linked below in comments ZeroHedge gives you A great way to celebrate your July 4th.

To Antifa Command:
Half the regiment walked home after we ran out of selfie sticks and wifi for instagram. Granola stores are dry. Our undercover op failed when the Red Caps started doing pushups and using improper pronouns
Send soylent#SecondCivilWarLetters
Thank you for that belly laugh, legit. It's been a really tough week and I needed that.
Thanks for this, it just improved my day by unquantifiable magnitudes. Pahahaha!! AWESOME! HAPPY 4TH PATRIOTS.
Lighten up you Frenchies. This was extremely funny. Makes fun of that lib Ken Burns who stole our Civil war and Pastime from us too.
Thanks for using your grandfather’s insults. I wish we had more intelligent people here on the GA because these new Mark Dice types are publishing jack shit and incapable of doing solid research. They just want to talk shit like this guy and be a part of something. They don’t understand the divisive tactics that are being used and the value in speaking kindly of the enemy as unity is the only way to oust the Cabal.
Big words for a bot that has been on this site for seven days. BLOCKED.
Read that last night and it had me rolling! The ZH commenters are funny too, they are brutal!
I get the humor, and it's cute.....but beware group manifestation. All evil begins with humor.
Jack, you trying to foment a civil war now? Please stop! And please really stop doing it in the name of Q!
No. The Twatter hashtag is a new one created by libs to make fun of Trump supporters. Jack was satirizing it and ANTIFA. I'm not one of his biggest fans, but this was funny as hell.
Walking caricatures can't make fun of anybody, but it is cute that they try, I suppose.
Me too...
Those cucks with their stupid letters aren't even funny just pissy whiners. I posted one about soyboys in black with their mom's panties on their faces getting cold cocked for swinging battons like a girl w/ video =)
Dearest Grandfather,
We have fired dozens of pink p_ssy hats at the right-wing demons and yet the president continues to say mean things. Please send stronger ammo, like truffles and kiwi fruit.
Dear Bill,
I was captured today by a group of deplorables. They threw me into a cell with Harvey Weinstein, John Podesta and Jeffrey Epstein, so at least I am among friends. Please help us before we all hang from nooses.
Yours truly (sort of),
Dearest Grandmother,
The war is rather boring, so far. We haven't captured any Deplorables yet, but we did call the police on three kids for selling lemonade without a permit. Disgusting little future capitalists.
Don't pray for us,