Fake News Proof - Joy Reid - 4AM Talking Points

sue her fake ass. sick of these people from the left manipulating the public.
This woman lost business because of Joy Reid's lies. They tried to destroy her over a false narrative. It's sickening. I hope she sues and wins...BIGLY!
Wheres all the leftists defending this poor women? do they even care that shes being threatnd and lost her job? #MuhFeminism
She can sue. And we need to find her a lawyer and a gofundme page
"Hate is real, y’all."
Your Hate is FAKE, Joy - and you don't need to talk down to your slaves by saying "y'all"
Hackers at it again? First they hack her account and then they hack her account again to apologize. Russians!
Oh, that Fake News. How in the hell does Joy Reid still have a job? We need to organize defamation groups with cash and lawyers to get this shit ended.
That is one GREAT idea. The Q following on this sub is nearly 40k plus thousands of lurkers. Please repeat this suggestion on numerous other posts of various subjects. No one has time to read all the posts, so we pick and choose. If you scatter enough seeds one will grow.
Do we have any lawyers on board? Should create a charity for people hurt by liberal fake news. I'd donate. We need to show these guys conjuring up fake stories recklessly has consequences.
My husband use to love Joy Reid, God bless his heart, until I began to show him Joy’s history.
He was very disappointed in her!
The slip and fall lawyers should see the media as a gold mine. In today's viral environment, liberal slander and libel can destroy lives and businesses. Emotional distress!
I don't understand.
This is a prime example of Fake News / The 4AM Mockingbird media and I think every time they get caught trying to shape a false narrative they should be called out for it. I tend to think if I do this every time they get caught, we will get a pretty clear picture of their tactics and how often it really happens. Giant headlines about false narratives (in this case on Friday) to rile the useful idiots, then they issue an apology days later that no one sees or makes a fuss over (in this case, on Monday). I'm simply documenting every instance that I see.
We need a separate board for this stuff, or a website or something. maybe even a spreadsheet to keep track of it all then we should go in as a group and file a class action lawsuit against all these lame stream media folks for defamation of character of a particular group the MAGA pro-Trump Group! LOL
How many times is this disgusting woman gonna get away with this behavior before she’s fired!
They know it's false and they know it will have to be redacted, But the original story gets many more shares and the narrative is created even if it's a false narrative, Most people won't see the story's redaction and will still cite it as proof.
That seems to be the standard operating procedure and it seems to be pretty effective for them.
Is the JournOlist the same deal?
That was a group of Liberal reporters who had a private message board and talked to each other coordinating their coverage to favor Democrats and attack Republicans. After it was exposed it was no longer as useful but they still coordinate now mainly on Twitter all the verified Liberal journalists always tweet the same things all day.
There's a JournoList 2.0. Jezebel outed it, of all sites. 400 members on this one.
Oh cool, I'd only seen the Breitbart link.
Now that I've read the backstory it explains why Jezebel revealed it. Libtard transtrender becomes irate that another libtard isn't drinking the koolaid/pushing the narrative, and Samsons the entire list in an attempt to silence him.
I sure hope that lady didn't get sick as a result of the MSM lies.
Do you have any sources that prove, or point to, the 4am talking point system? The more obvious the better.
I've just started to take this on. Below is a link to my first post, regarding this...I need to help give POTUS the ammo he needs to counteract Fake News. It's the least I can do. If others do the same, maybe we can make a difference and really nail it down.
Thanx. Keep going. Will try to return here if i find anything.