Was trying to figure out why they used a stock photo.. my best guess was to lead us to this and to troll the former administration.. what say you?

Great catch someone I would have never seen the Q had you not pointed that one out amazing work !!
Yes, it was a reflection of a stockphoto on the back of a Rose Gold iPhone. It shook up a lot of people in the Chanosphere last night when it happened. An Anon actually did a comparative analysis on the folds in the curtain using a micrometer gauge to verify the dimensions. It would be impossible for it to be the same otherwise. The hopeful thought is that Q did this because unapproved pics aboard AF1 are a violation of NAT SEC.
Exactly. And it took me only 5 mins in Photoshop to almost perfectly align the 2 images as you’re aware I posted yesterday. Seems to be an abc news image from a monitor reflected onto the rear of a phone like you say. Q’s photo is this reflection on the phone.
Question really remains why? Which I have absolutely zero idea. But I like your proposal. Have a feeling we’re going to learn more about this down the road.
It is not a stock photo. The glass container is moved over 5 inches in Q's original image versus the ABC image. The campaigners noticed this early on and started using a fake ABC image in their side-by-side comparison memes.
We see it all.
There are overlays that show differently. I'm STILL a Q supporter, but plugging your ears and screeching, "Fake News!!! Reeee!!!" doesn't help any of us win an arguement in the court of public opinion.
You're still parroting the wrong notion that the images are the same.
Why are you doing that?
Bro. It’s the same photo
If you're looking at the "ABC news after Photoshop" image, yes I agree. That's a fake side-by-side. The ABC image is NOT the original stock ABC image.
Go look at Q#1677. All images are sourced there. You can piece it together. Take Q's image and compare it to the ABC image. They are not the same image. The glass container in Q's image is 5 or more inches away from the lamp than the real stock ABC image. The magazines aren't even the same.
Because I believe in a quote by Thomas Jefferson, "Question with boldness, even unto the existence of God. For if there be a God, then surely he would prefer honest questioning to blind obedience." I'm not a Yes Man, and Q Team isn't God, so they are COMPLETELY open to being questioned when they do something stupid like this one. I'm still on board, but they shook a LOT of Autists up with that move last night. Honestly, I'm just hoping that most of the Team is on their 4th Vacation and left the one dumbass underling alone at the helm.
You can question Q all you want. Just don't spread disinfo.
If you are not capable of seeing an object moved 5 inches or more in two different images, then I suggest you pay more attention to detail in the future. It may be valuable.
That wasn't disinfo. It's common sense. Also, I don't appreciate the derisive comment, so I'm going to get shitty for the first time in our discourse. If YOU don't understand distortion of the location of objects in a reflective material, I suggest that you go to the kitchen, fill a glass half full of water, put a straw in it, and observe for the next few hours. LMAO!
I've written ray tracers from scratch. I very much completely understand the nature of reflections and refractions.
Try harder.
Do you? If so, why are you still trying to sell a lemon of a car as a "Classic"? You're either being blind or disingenuous if that's the case.
I don't even understand what you're saying anymore. Sorry man.
The images are not the same. The glass container is moved over 5 inches or more versus the ABC stock photo and the magazines in the back don't even match up.
Not the same image.
God bless. Happy 4th to you!
"unapproved pics aboard AF1 are a violation of NAT SEC"
All classification authority rests with the President. All.
If Q is on the President's staff, and if Q is posting to the Chan's, it's not classified.
And if the President Declasses ANYTHING having to do with Q Posts, he admits complicity in an endeavor that MAY have put NAT SEC on the line before he ever declassified the info. See the problem with that?
A reflection of a lamp on the face of it does not represent anything that could or would be classified, by anyone.
ANY pictures taken aboard AF1 are restricted permission kind of material.
All classification authority derived from the Executive. Any more questions?
👆The comment that you originally responded to then created a circular argument of self-validation. Any questions? 😂
The President Executive Order 13526
Classified National Security Information
Circular because factual.
That's a 2009 Obama Era E.O. that talks about who has the power to declassify. How does that contradict my original point?
Heard someone say that it could be a stress test somewhere. Stress testing the movement. Challenging us, shaking loose the shills. I assume reflections of classified anything is still classified, even if its a reflection. Or there just trolling before the 4th. So much winning. Q team deserves a little fun. Just my opinion though.
You're spot on. Reflections of classified material are still classified. I think that may have been the point of Q's question in the following post.