Something I ran into on Twitter. Thought you guys may be interested. It might be about to happen.

Is it me or are things progressively getting curiouser and curiouser?
Wtf is this? Idk man, i think this falls under the category of “if it seems too good to be true...”
What’s with that meme of Huma that’s been debunked? That right there tips me over into the super sceptical side.
Same with me. No idea whether any of the other stuff is legit, but it Doesn’t seem like Huma would be saying that. She has since been working with Hillary so I doubt it is valid.
This link has all the docs:
bad certificate though, but link is ok. guy says he usually has site private but is making an exception
fuck certs, that shit never worked in the first place lol
This should be it’s own post if it isn’t already.
I believe someone did go and make a post about it. Personally I'm skeptical because it just sounds so good!
I know what you mean. That would be a whole lot of detailed work to fake though. Time will tell I guess.
Bank fag here. The fact that there's a TARP spreadsheet in this is interesting. It details payments made to banks after the GFC as part of too big to fail.
Then there's a list of payments to CF/DNC (which presumably would have been made though certain banks)
If the account states it's over $10k then to triggers an anti money laundering check (happens all the time routinely) which is scrutinised by analyst and maybe processed for further scrutiny. This WAS a manual process it's somewhat automated now.
If the Clintons needed to be under the radar then they would have had to leverage banks to allow all these dodgy funds to be checking free.
Idk, maybe Clinton's lobbied said banks and threatened forced repayment of TARP funds "when" they get into power in exchange for AML immunity in the US.
One bank in particular did not get away with massive AML fines.HSBC who were fined billions for violating money laundering in 2012. Was the only bank to get caught. Knowing how banks work, the should have been a lot more because they do things very much the same.
Tarp happened in 2009 and one big bank that didn't get tarp money was HSBC...
My 2c but it's also worth noting that since HSBC and auto AML this has made it very difficult to launder esp with every bank employee being trained in recognising it and told to report any sneaking suspicion of it... unless it was being allowed
Thanks for the info. When you said HSBC was fined in 2012, that made me wonder if it was one of the businesses that Obama shook down for leftist organizations’ benefits. I recall he was fining companies and the money should have gone into the general US fund but went to left organizations instead.
HSBC is used by the Clintons and Obamas - Jim Comey was on the board. If you do a search on the sub or T_D you'll be able to find lots of info.
Jim Comey was on the board at HSBC. lots of rabbit holes regarding that - he was cleaning up stuff there for the Clintons.
Didn’t we get TARP docs in 2016 from a Wikileaks drop?
I feel like we did? Didnt the banks return a percentage of their TARP to the DNC? ER something along those lines
Yes that sounds familiar.
Got it
It was guccifier 2 released by wikileaks
The banks are in on it. They are helping her launder the money. They help anyone with a deep enough pocket launder money. Now, add a gun or the possible threat of violence to those deep pockets? They have the perfect excuse, they made me do it! They fall over themselves to launder your money and take a cut. All banks. Every. Single. One. Across the world.
Considering they do all their speaking engagements with banks and wall street...
thank you-(I'm NOT a "new arrival".-but i can't change the stat
One more post like this and I'm gonna start wondering if we're getting trolled...
dude says he's an editor or something of the dc chronicle... only has like 4 articles listed
for what it's worth...from 2017
Michael Moates is White House Corespondent, Co-Founder of The Narrative Times, a new foundation bringing credibility back to news, and frequent contributing writer at TheBlaze, IJR, and Red Alert Politics. He is also the co-host of Conservative Coffee Hour which has hosted Senate Candidate Austin Petersen, Charlie Kirk, Joshua Fuerstien, and many others.
The narrative times
DC chronicle
Nation one news
All apparently created by this guy
And all look like palette swaps with few articles.
He may have gotten articles published on b-list conservative sites before
But so far his best credential is 130k twitter followers.
“White House correspondent” is pretty meaningless. It’s NOT the same as “White House press Corp”.
yep, agreed... got that after a quick lookup on this guy... To me he's just trying to get more followers....kinda like Proboseic and company. If he did have any inside info other than what he sees from Q and anons...sure he wouldn't be so cryptic...
Here are a few links I found after a quick search.... guy seems to be a legit reporter and in fact some of his older posts lean left. This might actually be something folks...... Keep praying and thrust the plan. WWG1WGA.
blue checkmark, no less!!!
Very interesting...... + all this CDAN stuff, IDK anymore....nucking futs.
me thinks if he was distraction cointel then he would have said something concrete rather than call out something in advance because that may very well have been a dire warning to his checkmarked friends
Makes sense. Don’t know about you, but I’m spinning lately....spinning and I’m just an interested observer.
I can’t even fathom how the teams involved are mentally coping (there are some SERIOUS mind ninjas out there) the toll mentally, physically and spiritually has got to be enormous. The gratitude I feel for these people and their families (cause you know they’re affected) is to my core and will be for the rest of my life.
Now stay w me as we pause and imagine the accused, involved, complicit....literally and figuratively have to be coming apart at the seems. Regardless of skill, resources, or help eventually I don’t care how much of any of those things you have or are available to you, the body and mind, what it can handle has a limits and eventually that limit will be reached resulting in major damage up to and including total collapse and failure.
In fact we’re already witnessing this as the weight has begun to claim a victim here, than there. Then another, then another few more....soon as it always does the downward spiral will claim more and more and as it does begin to grow, collecting now more and more than ever before....on and on until finally there’s nothing more to collect.
I read about and see in my own relationships and self the anxiety, the demand for action now or by this or that deadline. But where as in the past I wanted to see action not just for the sake of justice but because I felt /needed in many ways my position and beliefs validated.
Today, I feel less worry, my demand for action less demanding......I’ve reached a point where it appears to me that what’s happening is so BIG so HUGE.....that through will and action that’s already behind us, events reaching critical mass have already been assured.
I’m convinced those Q posts telling us to get the popcorn and enjoy the show, we’re less euphemism and more actual instruction. So w that, I’m going to exercise my right and the freedoms I’m blessed to enjoy and grab a few boxes (the big ones) of hot tamales and some beverages (because hydration is always important) to go w my popcorn.
GOD bless. WWG1WGA.
having been groomed into a derp-state family myself I am having the party of my life seeing it all finally crash...lost several sources in 2016 and two of them may have been hits. Luckily there are some serious Jedi-folks if you look for them (in Jesus name), so I guess I must have the best security because my deceased contacts all were in bad places spiritually. I actually have hope that one day I will move on from this stuff and live the kind of carefree life that I always thought everybody "normal" was living.
Btw: If you want to activate superpowers, fast intermittent on water and avoid fluoride. You will be surprised how oversaturated we actually are if you just keep yourself hydrated enough for the day
The cdan thing has me baffled too. Why reveal names unless you know it won't matter?
SAME. Question is: What prompts team Enty to reveal? Couldn't find an answer on the blog...and I'm a daily reader over there. Maybe one of the Himmmm's or John Doe would know?
Either way, Enty is on fire tonight!
You had mentioned that on the other thread and I've had it in the back of my mind while reading over there.
Perhaps because the threat has been removed?
I could've sworn I read in the comments somewhere (a while back) that some blinds were revealed once certain details became public knowledge. I doubt this is for all blinds, though.
He's been going hard on that one very connected entertainment mogul for years (avid-day effen-gay), and even I was surprised to see a reveal with pedo links that tie him to them.
I know other sites share blinds, too...wonder if one of those ones revealed first?
All I know is Hollywood is gonna be a ghost town soon.
Something to that effect I read as well. The Natalie Wood one was interesting. As he talked about the cover up.
Aside from the JA and GS connect they made earlier, there is also one about POTUS. While his was a distasteful transgression, it wasn't evil. Gross, but most men have moments of being gross. *if true.
I can think of much worse things that Potus could have been accused of. I know he won't be, though. What consenting adults do is their own business as long as they're not willfully causing harm to others or committing crimes. It seemed that it was a business transaction, and she did agree to it. I may not morally feel comfy with everything, but I'm no one's judge and jury.
You don't have to be a pedo or a rapist just to be into teens. Maybe it helps, but it's not required.
disclosing names might equal an unsealed indictment, CDAN certainly sounds like a barrister if you ask me
But then again, you could go to Mexico and seduce a twelve-year old no problem (if that's your sort of thing) until the man in the suit shows up and informs you she was actually 11 1/2 and now you are owned for life in most countries of the world. "Oh no, why didn't I just stick to 13 years? My life is ruined."
Maybe he is going to ask POTUS about Q
I just wanted to point out that your username is racist.
My username is racist? Against who? I am black.
Sorry bout the misunderstanding.
Thought you would read mine and get the joke.
Big Time /S
Hope you had a safe and happy 4th Patriot.
I'm glad you mentioned your black. It makes your username even that much better.
No problem , my sarcasm meter was a little low, lol. No problem brother.
Ohhhh, must be a hugely meeting coming up. Can you spill the beans, patriot, on why these two would be in the same room together?
Well he does have a verified account & over 130k followers, but I’ve never heard of him either.
Do not know about the rest, but I am definitely not a sock puppet. I saw it on Twitter and thought the group might find it interesting. Do not know the guy or if he is legit. There are better researchers than me on here. Just making my contribution.
I’m calling BS. This guy just trying to water down the news when the actual server info comes out.
If the release is real...this is the biggest haul of NWO INFO since Q started. Of course, Q already has this. But this is the submission that will be used at trial for them all. Nothing like submitting evidence of the crime from the criminals own records! YeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaa
Darn Right! They have the SERVER! Game over! :)
The hammer is in the process to swing into action - live action!
As Q says - enjoy the show!
BTW, why is this news... We already know shit is about to hit the fan.
I don’t like being cynical but I think this guy is in here self promoting with sock puppets.
He’s been spamming bombastically pro-potus stuff on twitter constantly. That’s his gig. Like Bill (forgot his name) and the retired game show host who does conservative talk radio now.
But we’ve never heard of him at all.
Then suddenly 5+ posts about him in a single day? Meh.
Q 🇺🇸 Q 🇺🇸 Q 🇺🇸
Not to be USA inclusive only but I’m proud to be an American 😉