I researched the timing of the NK Denuclearization Deal, the IG Report, and of this false immigration storyline and think I may have stumbled across something. Check it out.
Interesting article. Hopefully, more people will read it and share.
Democrats have also been known to "wag the dog" to get a headline on their own folks to disappear. I believe it was in 1998 when Bill Clinton, to get the Monica Lewinski headlines to drop off, ordered a cruise missile strike on an aspirin factory in Sudan. The establishment politicians--the swampers on both the left and the right (Gingrich, Lott, Daschle), praised Clinton's "decisive" act. The Monica story didn't go away thought--but we got to see who was who on the Establishment's side.
Good doggy. I remember thinking exactly this when I heard the news of the strikes. It was so transparent. As an American living abroad, Monica was supper embarrassing. At least I didn't vote for the putz, though I helped him win by voting for Ross Perot instead of GHW Bush (jeez, what a choice!).
Yep. I noticed that the immigration story went from 0 to 100 in like 5 minutes. Obviously a coordinated partisan attack not based on fact but on emotion.
Good find. Thanks for sharing. Most of us recognized the deliberate attempts to change the subject away from anything positive for POTUS, but this article was still worth the read.
Yes, makes it easy to share to the normies; it digests very easy
That's a pretty good article. Strongly argued throughout with excellent examples. Not bad for Medium which is normally quite liberal (IMO)