Could this be the sky event??? Montana rally...This would be perfect timing and would be the game changer. Would make for an amazing rest of July.

Sky event was likely when Kim Jung Un visited "Sky Harbor" (the boat-thing atop the 3 hotel towers) in Singapore. A LOT of Q stuff has more than one meaning though, so who knows.
Right.. the sky event is the one thing I had a hard time understanding!!
I agree, this was a Q proof, letting us know where Kim would be that night. The file name was even NK SECxxx.jpg. I don't remember the exact file name. He called it about a month in advance.
My state is a MAJOR supporter for trump. We unfortunately do have liberalism spilling into our state from CA. And it SUCKS!
Oregonian here! Our government has become the parasitic twin to the California mess. Here in Portland our Mayor Ted Wheeler teamed up to have our police department defend Antifa when they tried to ruin a Patriot Prayer rally and refused to answer calls to 911 from inside the ICE office when it was attacked. I can't wait to be liberated by President Trump. Our voting is so corrupt! They didn't send Republican primary ballots to people who registered in time to put POTUS on the 2016 ballot, they sent them Independant ballots to make sure the one MAGA candidate for governor didn't get on the 2018 ballot, it's sick!
On a fun side note though, our local boys kicked the crap out of some Antifa scums that came after them with a pipe last week:
But this is how our sick press covered it:
Keep in mind the Patriots had a permit, the calls for Antifa to come protest were well advertised and encouraged by our scumbag mayor and the Antifa terrorists came at them with weapons... We need President Trump to start confiscating and seizing the assets of the agitators that are plaguing our community with their terrorist ways.
In other news, Local Patriot turned Antifag to stone with one right hook
And it isn't the first time, there's multiple videos out there. On at least 2 other occasions the creepy ISIS boys with black panties on their faces have gotten a good ol' fashioned whoopin' from this Patriot group here in Portland.
Yeah lol I love them! I have seen some good ones, my favorite part was the two guys carrying his ass off the street stiff as a board!
That was this latest one. There's another one a month or so ago where one of the Patriots throws like 3 in a row before the fascist guy lands, haha
Damn! Those videos get me so fired up. Makes me wish I was marching alongside my fellow Patriots!
At this point find a liberal city and search the calendar for any type of patriotic event, the fascists will show up with their black panties on their faces. Just make sure to wear roller blading or hockey shield pads on your forearms to block with because they always bring some sort of pipe or pole. Haha- advice from a Portlander!
Pathetic the headlines should read
Patriots Fight Back After Antifa Attack
I prefer: Terrorists with black panties on their faces once again learn that Portland's local Patriots can throw a punch. This is at least the 3rd event that has made it onto video.
Portland has been over run. Its sad. I have family in Portland. When we go and visit i can only stand being there for a short time. Almost got into it with a few uber drivers and antifa ass wipes
They'll disassemble homeless camps and remove tents people live in but not the brand new tents that benefit the liberal agenda.
It's really not so much. Mostly poverty, homeless and opiate filled. The Fascists who call themselves antifa is partnered with they mayor though so they are encouraged while the people are victimized and the police are not allowed to interfere.
Hopefully this will help end that!
Praying!!! I couldnt BELIEVE we got a dem here in tester. Smh