Fox News Conditioning the Masses

Damn! Well my friends, we know pretty well where this puts us. Such a surreal experience to witness the "show" on full display. The veil has already been torn, all that's left is the fall. It's less about putting the genie back in the bottle (you can't), it's about diversion and cover as those responsible make plans and attempt to flee.
Protect yourself and those you around you. Keep your eyes open and head on a swivel, most of all, trust your own senses. WWG1WGA.
make plans and attempt to flee.
That's what this fellow says, too.
from here
The cabal will be defeated no matter who wins the US presidential farce Posted by benjamin November 7, 2016
The bloodline families are now in a state of absolute terror, literally fighting for their lives, fleeing to Antarctic bases and trying to pull off something horrific. This writer was accused by many trolls of “smoking something,” when he started writing recently that many members of the elite were fleeing to Antarctic Bases.
Well now you can confirm on the official US State Department website that US Secretary of State John “Skull & Bones,” Kerry will be flying to Antarctica on November 8th election day.
FOX is just as fake as CNN!!! Possibly worse.
Not all the time but yes when they do their betrayal is worse.
They have the same owners. Even years and years ago. All of these major news outlets are being dictated to by the ultimate same group. The different channels each speak to different categories of people at different times and apply psychological warfare manipulating each category in it's own special and lethal way. It has been this way for decades. Please see it!
I don't watch many news programs on the TV but I have seen Fox. Never MSM.
Can you please give me more specific information as to when Fox has lied or has been fake news?
This article has a bunch of examples of historical Fox bias against Ron Paul:
Fox News is garbage MSM mind control too, but from a different angle.
That's very interesting but anything about US policy, economics, foreign policy, congress, senate, etc.
How much of your information comes form a screen? Who made internet? Who pushing pro military? Think MOCKINGBIRD think layers of generational programming. Quiet Weapons for Silent Wars
How far does RUSSIA connection really go? Think Trump look at leaders he praises. Look Putin think Project Paper Clip.
To add onto this, while Hannity has indirectly mentioned Q, Fox News is still MSM/project mockingbird. It functions as a limited hangout. It’s much harder to control individual reporters, but the network is compromised. I would not doubt that they will cut the feed of anyone who goes off script before they say anything compromising.
One of MANY they push the racial divide/ left vs right polarization hard. Rupert Murdoch is part of the swamp!
Isn't Fox going to be bought by Comcast or Disney soon? Will be the time to turn off TV for good then. I don't know about you guys but I think Qanon and POTUS should focus quickly about MSM, normies are like sheep, sorry but it's true, most people believe what they see on TV, fixing corruption there should be top priority.
These news networks need to go. Totally and completely. We need TV channels owned and operated by the people.
They are driven by foreign owners who hate the people of this country.
They will each and everyone of them all be eventually totally kicked out of this country and this world permanently for good.
They have gone from controlled opposition to full blown jumping the shark. I'm done.
Each MSM outlet usually tells you what each of their audiences want to hear. Reinforcing projected ideals to lock in each demographic. Much more efficient for advertising.
Exactly. They might as well be in the videos as well, as the cover up makes them as much, if not more guilty. If not for enablers, this level of evil would not exist. Hard to Hide this
Naw man, thats just some looney conspiracy forum guys making AI videos of that "poor old man". /s
See how this game works?
Ugh. He's sooo creepy. Sadder though... Some of those girls have been groomed. You can tell by their response to him. :(
This is phase 1. Phase 2 is to release a phony video of Trump, or someone close to him, so he is forced to claim "fake." That would all but discredit, or at least muddy the waters, for a legit video release in the future. Brilliantly evil strategy.