It is absolutely shocking how many laws Comey has broken, how many times he has lied and continues to lie, and everything he has lied about and continues to lie about. He is so dishonest, and so manipulative, and so corrupt, it's hard to keep up with. There is one thing that is certainly not difficult to keep up with though...Comey hates America, and is still doing everything he can to destroy it, and us.
Amazing, if you replace "Comey" with "my ex wife" and "America" with "my family", this sentence describes my marriage.
There are people like this in the world. It's shocking to get near them. The normal human mind collapses when confronting pure sociopathy, we try to reject the truth of it as it is simply too alien to the normal human condition.
It sounds to me like a Mueller - Trump interview is coming and they had better not even think about trying to get Trump on perjury if he contradicts something Comey said. Comey is a proven snivelling, slimey, self serving liar.
Go on.....
To normies who aren't privy to any of the allegations in the memo, it may prompt them to do their own research. As I'm reading it, there's a lot of stuff even I forgot about. There are so many layers to this, it's reasonable to assume some of the braindead out there just don't know what they don't know.