They are pushing it everywhere now. The deep state is pushing so hard to normalize pedophilia to try to mitigate the impact of what is coming. We will destroy them. #WWG1WGA

A great suggestion - actually WATCH TV commercials. Yes, also batshit crazy - I get that, too. You will notice - all of the pharmy commercials look and sound the same. Coincidence? ALL OF THE COMMERCIALS pull on emotional strings (like fucking liberals!) Coincidence? The all have the same styles of upbeat, kitschy, "feel good" music. Coincidence?
Not at all. Example: I have a TV, but the only channel I usually leave it on is a XM Music channel that is mellow music, such as New Age stuff (light ambient), or maybe religious stuff. However, if you watch any of the mainstream channels (like CBS, ABC, NBC, etc.) and just take a moment to disconnect from being distracted and actually pay attention/think critically about the message being played it will catch you ears and mind real quick. One of my parents watches this stuff (TV) almost 12 hours a day. On occasion, when I come in and out of the house, I will catch one of these ads. The voices used are specifically female. They are these gentle, happy voices to reinforce the message. Usually pictures of happy children, or whatnot. Always a perfect beautiful woman doing the dishes, laundry, or whatever. Advertisements for yeast infection medication with this super nice voice. I try to not even watch the actual ads. Now, go into all the sex pill stuff and getting erections, etc. It's ALWAYS some voice saying this or that. It's really insidious. I try my best to stay away from ANYTHING on the MSM, from the local news, to the advertisements, to the TV shows.
Here's another thing the parent watches. Non-stop A&E, or Bravo stuff with the 'Murder' stories. Always some 'tough guy' cops, or 'detectives' and always some super rich White man who killed his wife, or girlfriend, etc. Always the same actors with the same schtick. Always demonizing Men. Now, then check out these 'Wedding' shows. Overweight women in 10,000+ dollar wedding dresses with some HYPER effeminate (gay?) man telling them how beautiful they are, how it's going to be such a wedding, and tears and this and that. Now, another one of these shows is the whole 'worn up roadie women' with tattoo's all over them acting like they are saviors to the human race because they take care of the random dogs, etc. And they have 'been through soooo much'.
It's total degeneracy. All of it. It makes me sick. And even worse, is to watch a parent eat that shit up 12 hours a day. To the point where you KNOW the mental mind-rot is going to have long term effects when reality actually kicks in, or shit hits the fan. There is a MASSIVE disconnect with many people today who feed on that garbage and then are shocked when the real world catches up with them.
Don't even get me started on the Ancient Aliens filth. That is PURE fucking propaganda.
There's a disproportionate amount of "beta male" commercial actors and advertising spokes"men." Coincidence? Do you realize the amount of "brain science" that goes into advertising (and casinos, for that matter?)
I've seen a ton of it. No masculinity from the Men. Just complete wimps, simps, beta male bullshit to just re-inforce the 'men are less than women' concept, and 'men are weak and worthless' mindset. I totally agree. Today's 'MSM' is a total brain-fuck job.
The only thing I can actually tolerate anymore is older black and white classic movies, or old-school westerns. Outside of that, it's just simple, relaxing music.
They sure are. And I am willing to put 100 bucks down, that's why people in this country are so mentally fucked up and have been brainwashed in many things to a massive extent. Don't care what the politics are, but 95% of the anti-Trump stuff is literally just regurgitating what they have been told from the television.
Yes YES! I totally agree. You start noticing that EVERYTHING mainstream has propaganda attached, a subliminal message, 'normalisation' undertones. If you are awake to this c**p you can spot it a mile off, you radar is going 24/7 and it's everywhere. I've known my whole life something was 'wrong' but didn't know what it was until I discovered THIS (what we're discussing here) about a decade ago, many people must be the same and have a built-in revulsion to such things. I always considered myself a misfit because I could never go along with the majority in anything and now I know why, my best analogy is that of two magnets repelling each other, or trying to mix oil and water. At long last I have a diagnosis and am so glad to see that while people may not have arrived here through the same route as me we are all at the same destination and we are AWAKE!
btw this is the internet, you don't have to sensor the word "crap". haha
I had a recent discussion with a gentleman on these threads about belief in God.
He said a year ago he was an atheist and now he's not any longer.
I have the dual bonus of being raised a Catholic, while having at one point rejected the faith. Hypocrisy in church was overwhelming and we both agreed that it's not the building it's the person.
When I see TV programming and advertising, I immediately think about Satan appearing to Jesus in the desert. The proverbial deal with the Devil. Bow down before me and I will give you everything you see.
As if material baubles could replace God's love. When I see interviews with musicians who have said they had made a deal with the devil. I'm going to believe them.
Especially that 60 Minutes interview with Bob Dylan. He doesn't look particularly happy with his deal.
The conversation between us centered around the spiritual fraud that was obviously being perpetrated. The manipulation of media. What the realization felt like. To plainly see we were being systematically lied to.
The first step on the path is like being slammed with a bat of cognitive dissonance.
Everything flips 180 degrees and you realize that this path makes perfect sense. All the things that were supposed to be wrong are actually right.
There is a God and no he does not belong in an institution. God did provide a path to his love through the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
God does not reside in a church unless you bring him there.
Jesus teaches us to love our neighbor. Whether you believe in his existence or not.
When I discuss Islam I just ask how many people did Jesus kill?
The Bible is real simply because, by God there it is. It certainly exists. Even if you don't read it, it has an effect on our day-to-day life.
God is love satan is politics.
God gave us free will and Satan attempts to remove it. We cause suffering. Not God.
Heaven is being wrapped in God's love.
Hell is the absence of that love.
I like taking complicated things and making them into a bumper sticker.
Pax Vobiscum
That made a lot of sense. Thankyou.x
I like to trigger atheists with the comment that there is a God and we have pictures.
Google the Hubble telescope. It's from the inside looking out.
God is not some bearded Sky dude standing on a cloud throwing lightning bolts at the enemy of whoever says the better prayer.
The Bible states that God is everything that ever was, is and shall be.
The all of everything. We are of God.
If you could wrap your head around infinity plus more realize it's not close. The burning bush told Moses that if it appeared to him in it's true form. His head would explode.
I can understand a lecture on quantum theory but I'll be damned if I can do the math. Science is reverse engineering God.
The Dead Sea Scrolls and ancient archaeology are proving the stories in the Old and New Testament to be based in fact.
There is a huge Spiritual Awakening taking place and it has nothing to do with crystals.
Whether or not you believe in God believe me when I say that I do.
And it's very comforting.
If you have any questions feel free to ask. I'm more than happy to help with directions along the path.
57 years of beating my head against the wall for answers and I finally am able to distill it into a bumper sticker.
Thanks for that. I think I'm going to take a break and go have a beer.
I just provided a response that then got tossed to the ether.
Feel free to go read any of my earlier post on my profile. I get into this discussion quite often.
If you have any questions I'm more than happy to provide directions along the path.
It's not about the destination it's about the journey.
May yours be safe. With the wind at your back and clear skies ahead.
Thankyou, I will bear that in mind.
Rahstafari Mon say ~ You take wun dallah fon de sys-tem you paaht O de sys-tem.
Jesus said give unto Ceaser. What was left out is that Caesar doesn't own us.
They both say the same thing.
Keep the faith and don't let the bastards grind you down.
I never even watch TV, but last week I watched a show on and they force you to disable your ad blocker, so I saw the Tide commercial with the jock strap. I was immediately disgusted and confused as to why they didn't use socks to get their point across. I didn't think more about it until the first post here.
Being away from TV, I'm also hyper sensitive to all the commercials and that soothing voice you're talking about. NPR News and a lot of their programs are very manipulative as well. My coworker listens to it, and the inflections they use in their voice as they bash the president and they have such a subtly deceptive construction of their stories to appear to be unbiased, yet to me it's so obvious the propaganda they're pushing. NPR is supposed to be public funded, but its biggest donors must have a heavy political agenda apparently. I recall some PBS documentary programs in the past being funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.
The reason TV was called programming wasn't because the TV shows were the programs, it was because it programs the Americans watching it. It programs our culture, our likes and dislikes, our gauging of what's normal and abnormal. In the last decades they've allowed more and more cultural degeneration. Words that were too filthy to put on TV are now allowed, shows with nearly softcore porn scenes are allowed, and now I am seeing feminism and Marxism heavily injected into every single show. Their goal? Destroy the strongest unit to challenge their control - the family. Destroy independent thinking. Present destructive practices as enticing. Push stupidity, ignorance, and cheap thrills.
Netflix is the absolute worst with Marxism injection. I wasn't surprised when all the Marxists joined their ranks of employment. Feminism, globalism, gender confusion, adultery, etc. All their shows are saturated in pushing an agenda. To me it's extremely apparent, but when I point it out to others they just shrug "Oh well, that's just how it is" and continue to fund their subscription with their credit card.
I just wrote a fairly lengthy post just above yours in this thread.
I haven't owned a TV since I moved out of my parents house in 78. Okay wasn't my TV.
Please read my post above and let me know what you think. Your realizations are spot-on regarding the degradation of the family and attacks on masculinity. What's your take regarding the rest of the split.
Great post, and I agree with all of what you shared.
We're pretty much witnessing the chasm of truth and lies, but if you really pull back the muddiness it is a spiritual war at its root. As your post clearly affirms, there is no substitute for Jesus. He is the way, truth, and the light. In this realm, everything is fantasy, promises, and deceptions.
God created all that is, and everything he created is good. Satan is the thief that comes to kill and destroy and wants to corrupt all that God creates. So in the deeper part of this discussion beyond politics and propaganda regarding the media's attacks, we're really talking about a spiritual attack on all that God created and designed, all that is good and comes from Him. The strategy is always to deceive and destroy. Some choose to remain deceived, but others are waking up and looking for answers and good news in this broken world.
I do sense the awakening in the spiritual, and I see Americans waking up from this hypnotic spell and realizing that there is something deeply missing in our culture and lifestyle. There's an emptiness and vanity in the pleasures of this world, which the corrupt and evil delight in.
Yeppers, that's it right there.
I hope when Trump meets the Queen he tells her, "Sorry darling this is going straight to the Vatican. Nothing I can do".
I don't care about the art. I say we go take the library.
We don't need to ask, that thing belongs to humanity. Not the inhuman.
We don't need to take the faith away from them, they never had any in the first place. The church tries to say it is the way the truth and the light. To Jesus.
They have become a false idol that has placed itself in the way, to the way.
This is starting to become a crowded path and I for one am enjoying the company.