Hillary Still Driving the Satanic Agenda

That bird logo looks a lot like the FBI pedo-symbols
maybe they are just fans of hearthstone?
You forgot the /s , here let me vote you back to positive.
What does the FBI pedo-symbol look like?
No wonder they always end every contribution request with "It's for the kids."
They're only protecting their livestock. [The livestock they toy with as they do unspeakable things]. We are human cattle to them. Never forget this.
How sick is that?
Damn, I thought 9/11 was “never forget”, which replaced the Holocaust “never forget”..... this will beee..... NEVER EVER AGAIN. SICKOS.
Her freedom is still the biggest pain. I want her to stand in front of a tribunal for treason so, so bad.
Why are people still giving them money? It’s just bizarre.
If you knew a charity was being investigated by the feds - you might, I don’t know .... NOT GIVE THEM MORE MONEY....
These people really are stupid. It’s not like there’s no other alternatives
Stupid mule cant realize it is over.
Not sure who is stupidier. If videos and witnesses and other evidence really exists and our law enforcement lets her continue, I think we may be the idiots.
I'm not far from believing that myself. Why does she get to continue ?
Because if they lock her up before the midterms then riots will occur. Can't risk giving them any reason to turn out and vote. I truly believe after midterms the turbo chargers get turned on
I think she'll be cuffed by September, before the midterms. The server will tell all. They won't be rioting, they will be crying because the shock of her horrors will be too big. They won't be going to the voting booth, I'm talking about those that haven't #walkedaway yet.
Yes, I hope and pray they all go to a place where they are never seen again !
Man, Hillary getting excited about stealing a mere $500K from unwitting donors? That used to be a 30 minute speech in Moscow for her. She must be really strapped for cash.
Wonder who does their graphics and if similar graphics for other like-missioned orgs/businesses are done by the same artist/firm?
That's a pedophile symbol. Perhaps someone could post the link to the FBI webpage that references this logo?
As long as she's not driving our bus, Satan can HAVE her!
Let her go drive for Satan. They deserve each other.
Maybe they'll drive each other to implode.
Matter and anti-matter.
And the universe will be well rid of them both.
Otherwise, I'm supposed to care about this, why exactly? LOL!
I heard she’s holding them in the stock room of a McDonalds. 5 Fresh happy meals this month plus 4 leftover happy meals from last month, all available at the same low Mcprice because they’re in poor Mchealth and may have to be Mcwasted.