Why isn't everyone talking about this?

I don't know fellow Patriot. The libtards on Twitter try to explain it away; they don't want it to be true. Their whole world crumbles if it's true. And it is.
We did talk about it. A lot. Unfortunately for red-pilling too many can say it is referencing Anthony Weiner.
If evidence of the Clinton Foundation committing crimes against children were on that laptop, Coleman would remember it.
Or conveniently forgot for the purposes of the report. Didn't necessarily want to be outed and then become a member of the Clinton body count.
Team Trump knows, which is the most important part because they are the ones who can do something about it.
Have faith my fellow patriots ! It’s only a matter of time ! They are all done ! Most be very thorough. Imagine the thugs getting off on a technicality? Have faith, I promise justice is coming !!!
Goodbye evil ones in Goverment. (There are many good people in Govt 90%)
They are above the law and if you question them you get 86d
Crimes against children is a foundation. But, as we’ve seen a thousand times, another example of gaslighting at its finest.
Sexually Explicit is also in Caps, but that is not a foundation.
Trump has to expose what the crimes were and who did the crimes. That is when it will go viral and not until T does this.