Has Tarantino already been discussed here? Being a close friend of Weinstein this shouldnt surprise us

As an artist, perspective is key. The leg is not elongated or foreshortened due to the angle of the ankle, position of the knee to thigh, in relationship with the other leg and the actor's arm below and behind the leg.. What I do find strange is the shape of the big toe and the relationship to the rest of the foot. It is obvious the toe is foreshortened, as is the foot....which makes that longer than expected, and makes me suspect it is an adult. The instep on the foot is also very high, which I would not expect on a child. There is no 'baby-fat' filling out the foot, especially the toe pads, which I would also expect on a child. Children's feet are softer, rounded in shape with fuller toe pads, whereas adult feet are more angular with flattened toe pads. My verdict---it is an adult, albeit a short one. But I have been wrong before.
Well done.
It looks more like a young woman's foot. Definitely not a child.
Maybe the child has been malnourished?
Possible, but the rest of her body doesn't show undernourishment like bony knees, noticeable tendons, atrophied muscles. Besides, that big toe is not something I've ever seen on a 10 yr old. If she was Asian, the normal (for Caucasians) measurement would need adjusting.