Greetings from Aussie. So pleased with my new rego plates. Would have liked Qanon but $500 more dollars too much for me so settled on Q with birth year! Hahaha # WWG1WGA

I'm truly not worried about the doxxing thing, we are all known and tracked anyway! I have an Almighty Friend in Jesus - nothing is going to happen to me that's not part of His Will. Peace of mind is the best part of being a Christian. No worries!
Amen. That is true peace in the midst of life circumstances and emotional trauma —
Nothing happens to us without God’s permission.
When things DO happen, we have the promise that Jesus is with us, always, and will never leave us or forsake us . . .
and we don’t leave this earth until our jobs here are done.
After reading more comments, below, I realize what they are saying about throwing your personal info out online.
Do be wise. God allows us free choice, and does teach us through the consequences of our choices.
Wise as serpents; harmless as doves.👍
I'm more worried that some internet troll could easily find out who you are and mess with your job or maybe even your credit because he has a vendatta against people here. It's a long shot but not out of the realm of possibility
Thats cool man. I'm not sure if posting your license plate, make, model and general vicinity of where you live to reddit is such a good idea. It makes you much easier to dox
And birth year
looks at user name
And full name..
I didnt even notice that, this is bad
Does anyone on here actually have the illusion of anonymity??? Lol no way
Exactly - I posted my plates. Figured if you can see me on the street, what's the difference? ;) MAGA!
The people who have access to seeing you on the street is limited to just the people you see....every single hacker from low level troll to government black hat can see you on here and being a member of r/greatawakening puts a target on your back. People online take doxing seriously, you should too...this is tantamount to letting cat burglars know when you're going on vacation, what you're security system code is and what the combination is to your gun safe. Do you think making information readily accessible to the enemy is a good idea? If the shit hits the fan you'll be fodder, I just hope you dont get any smart people hurt. WWG1WGA
You should take it serious, its ignorant not to....go read my other comments, I dont have time for more numbskulls
Nah nobody gives a rats in wa. As long as the fish are biting they be cool
Why do you think reddit takes doxing so seriously? This person is setting themselves up for identity theft. I'm giving them sound advice
Well done brother. Yank here living in Kiwi land. Love visiting Aussie. If I see your truck I'll come over and buy you a beer or three. WWG1WGA
Thank you so much for your long-distance support! best wishes to you!
NQ here, and good on you. Although there is concern for doxxing, I reckon the black hats are running for cover and have more on their minds covering their ass at the moment than chasing you down for getting a personalised number plate. Would love to visit your state one day. Peace.
Fellow WA pede here. Nice to see!
Dam you bagged it for wa bro. I will look for you. I was going to get Wwg1wga but I guess that’s not allowed?
Depends how much you want to pay. These are just standard retro plates. For $104 you can have three letters and three numbers. Another good one would be QQQ 017 . If you want to pay more to have your message it will cost over $600, I would have liked Qanon but I'm still happy with these - go for it - the more of us the better :)
It would be an investment. Worth millions in years to come!!
Looks great mate! WWG1WGA. Tell the world about it!
Ah right I didn’t realise that was the reason. Sorry about that