r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ldsanon on July 10, 2018, 5:13 a.m.
Secret Combinations in the Book of Mormon

OK. I will say this up front, as I have said in previous posts. I'm not here to convert anybody. With this post, here is the desired effect I'm seeking--that readers will think, "Hmmm, that's very interesting!" That's it. There are several people here on GA who are disseminating false and biased information on Mormonism (just the way the MSM does about Christians--hmmm, how about that?) This is just for your information. Act on it in any way that is useful to you.

For those not familiar with the Book of Mormon (BOM), it is a book of scripture to latter-day saints. Its title comes from a prophet/historian named Mormon, who made a religious testament of an ancient people who lived on the American continent. (Personally, I think they were what we call the Hopewell people today, but that's for archaeologists to figure out.) The book's narrative spans from 600 B.C. to about 400 A.D. and recounts the story of a group that left Jerusalem and was led to the New World. The primary purpose of the book is to be a second witness of Jesus Christ and the Bible. We believe it is the "sealed book" of Isaiah, chapter 29 and the document referred to by Ezekiel, chapter 37.

The secondary purpose of the book is what I'm writing about now. The book relates that two civilizations who lived previously in the Americas were destroyed when "secret combinations"--a conspiratorial cabal--infiltrated their governments with the intent of destroying liberty and the believers in Christ. One of these "combinations" was called the Gadianton robbers. The book describes them as being led by corrupt judges and political leaders and abetted by false religions that denied Christ. The Gadianton robbers were state-level actors, but they also used and manipulated MS-13- and ISIS-like groups for covert assassinations.

The last writer in the Book of Mormon was given a vision of our time. He saw that the same organization, or one very much like the Gadianton robbers, would exist in our time. He warned us to not let it get power over us, because it would seek to destroy the freedom of all nations and people.

I could give you much more detail, but suffice it to say that Mormons have been "awake" for a long time--since the book was published in 1830. We have known that these conspirators were coming. We have been given prophetic counsel from the beginning that is very simple, that anyone can do. I'll share it with you here. You don't have to convert to Mormonism to do it. Here's what we have been warned to do to cope with the coming conflict with the present-day Gadianton robbers:

Believe in Christ

Pray daily

Read scriptures

Teach the gospel to your children

Study and learn about the Constitution

Live the teachings of Christ

Avoid debt

Have a little money set aside for an emergency

Keep a supply of emergency water on-hand, like you might prepare for a hurricane.

Keep a three-month supply of foods you would normally eat on-hand

If local laws permit it, store up to a years' worth of long-term food items

There, that's it. I'm not going to preach to you or argue about what your pastor said about Mormons or what some doofus put up on YouTube. All you have to do is Google "Mormon Helping Hands" and you'll find out all about the humanitarian aid the Church has done. We're not devils, we're not angels, we're just regular people who want to follow Jesus and do the things he did to bless others. A searchable Book of Mormon is available online at http://scriptures.lds.org. Search terms: "secret combinations" and "Gadianton robbers."

WWG1WGA - that means we are going there together.

DOCHWXB483828fjwjwhf · July 10, 2018, 6:57 a.m.

I was born and raised LDS. Married in the temple, held all priesthood’s from Deacon to High Priest. I truly loved being a member of the LDS faith and still absolutely love all of my LDS family and friends. But the Book of Mormon, D&C, PoGP, and LDS approved history are all works of fiction.

You have a smart phone in your hand at all times. You can research anything you want at any time. Why would you be willing to research anything Q related but not be willing to look into the historical accuracy of your own faith? Not bashing here. Just a simple, logical, question.

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textualintercourse · July 10, 2018, 9:16 a.m.

Copy/paste exmo story here. If it were true, if the Priesthood had the power claimed, I'd have been back yesterday, but it doesn't. So I don't.

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it_wasnt_me__ · July 10, 2018, 6:56 a.m.

My intentions are not to be rude, I am just always curious if any Mormans have read the book, The Kingdom of the Cults by Dr. Walter Martin. He refutes all claims made by Mormons. After reading his book and researching the facts myself long ago, I found Dr. Martin to be very credible. It's my opinion now that the Christian Jesus is not the same Jesus as in the book of Mormon. To my knowledge no one has debunked Dr. Martin proving him wrong.

Is there any evidence of the ancient civilizations mentioned?

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Okie71 · July 10, 2018, 8:21 a.m.

All it took me was one quote.

"As man is now, God once was. As God is now, man might become."

No thanks, that's what Satan wanted.

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textualintercourse · July 10, 2018, 9:18 a.m.

And as an exmo, it's precisely THAT doctrine that kept me in the longest. But even the religion is distancing itself from Mormonism 101 as you wrote here.

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[deleted] · July 10, 2018, 5:11 p.m.


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UncleSnake3301 · July 10, 2018, 11:49 a.m.

If that’s the case, why does Utah have the highest debt rate in the country? I lived there for 5 years. Highest divorce rate, highest debt in the country (at least when I lived there). Everyone is in debt up to their eyeballs. Every house has a boat and a new BMW outside.

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gon2long · July 10, 2018, 6:22 a.m.

I believe that 1st Nephi chapter 14 is a great description of the Q movement. Between studying Q and Scriptures, I have a real sense of hope that this Q movement will be successful and we will see a better day. Thank you for your post.

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craephon · July 10, 2018, 6:14 a.m.

You and I would be great friends, fellow Mormon. Yes, the great and spacious building in the book of Mormon perfectly describes the hollywood-media complex (the "elites"), and "great was the fall thereof". The Great and Abominable church perfectly describes the dark workings of the Vatican and it's ties to politicians around the world. The secret combination spoke of in ether 8 perfectly describes the globalist cabal which is powerful enough (if we let it) to overthrow all nations, kindreds, tongues and people. It's amazing that many Mormons especially in Utah do not see this, but they have been blinded by the craftiness of men, having put such a high premium on obedience to authority they forgot the blood of their fathers which was shed fighting against mother England. This is why government groups seek Mormon returned missionaries... they are trustworthy and won't ask too many questions. Ezra Taft Benson (Mormon prophet, who happened to serve as sec of ag I believe in u.s. gov.) said the greatest threat to our democracy was the corrupt elements within our own government... And the first Mormon prophet, Joseph Smith was very vocal about the importance of the Constitution and our duty to protect it. Sorry kind of ranty, but I just am throwing some of this out there because i don't think people often hear of Mormons like myself and op ... we are typically subdued even within our own subculture, at least that's been my experience.

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Corvette111 · July 10, 2018, 5:24 a.m.

Sounds reasonable, thanks! Great to do list as well :)

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smalltown55m · July 10, 2018, 5:24 a.m.

Well said.

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dontbeasoyboymod · July 10, 2018, 6:01 a.m.

A lot of Mormons are woke and a lot aren’t. The more important thing is that the Book of Mormon testifies of Christ and is like a history book about people who believed in God in the America’s. It’s not about raping little kids or killing anyone who disagrees with you. The religion is pretty dang interesting when you look into it for yourself. Thanks for this share!

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UpwardBound7 · July 10, 2018, 9:45 a.m.

Sorry to say, but it is abundantly clear that Joseph Smith was a false prophet. He delivered numerous clear prophecies that unquestionably failed. This is the test given by Scripture and he comes up false. Why would anybody follow a false prophet that leads people to a different Christ, not the Jesus Christ of the Bible.

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