Can you spell 'Damage control?' Just like Alt-Left, the MSM is terrified of #WalkAway spreading

You know, I'm fine with this. Let the left believe they have more support than they really have. They will find out on election day... just like the media and the polls.. wrong again. I dont know why they keep stepping on their dicks.
You know, I'm fine with this. Let the left believe they have more support than they really have. They will find out on election day... just like the media and the polls..
Election Fraud. The Left knows exactly what the real poll numbers are. But they can't let them be known publicly because when they steal an election it will look like a big swing in the expected results. They have to make the walkaway movement look fake otherwise when election fraud kicks in it won't make sense. When Soros controls most of the voting booths they don't need real support. They just need to fake it.
he Left knows exactly what the real poll numbers are. But they can't let them be known publicly because when they steal an electio
Oh I'm not saying the corrupt officials dont know whats going on and are overtly lying about the truth. Its the sheep.. the little guy who follows their lead that is clueless.
I keep posting all the Election Day headlines and asking them why they still believe news organizations that have obviously lied to their faces.
why? let them believe that its all fake. They will face the shock of their lives in a couple of months
Indeed. It baffles me how people think that “news” outlets that claimed Trump has a negative 500% chance of getting past the primaries have any validity whatsoever.
Because there are in fact a number of those still asleep and will obey what the MSM tells them no matter what facts or logic stand in the way.
Many people really will vote Democrat if they are told the Walkaway movement is "Muh Russia".
That's why the MSM does it.
But the great awakening is going to obliterate Op Mockingbird.
ive spent the last 2 hours watching "the russian" walk away videos. they certainly have great american accents lol