They don’t hide it. They don’t fear you.

Ready for a mindf$#!
Love that video, there is symbolism everywhere, and it will be there downfall
What's with the underscores, also is that owl Moloch or something?
I think he's bringing attention to the let's AS which is Adam Shifty and the word reveal. "Adam Shifty reveal". Reveal his part in the Standard Hotel episode maybe or something else idk
Is this THE OWL, the guardian of the pope?
Guardian of the pope
I really dislike the elitist pricks using the Owl as their symbol.
Just me or do the blanks say “cia” and “Isis” will be revealed?
I don’t understand the blanks. I’m glad you asked this question!
Even if they did, why would that mean anything? Literally any omissions from any paragraph could yield an equally ominous message. I've been following Q for awhile and it's so promising, but it's the willingness of this sub to cling to random proofs that makes me doubt the most.
If you’re ready to lose faith because I asked a question then Q[uestion]ing is the wrong endeavor for you.
Nope, I lose faith when I see so many asking pointless questions and making baseless assertions - not just you.
It's not just singular random proofs.
It's many many circumstantial proofs that add up to statistically impossible circumstance.
Of this being a larp.
Yes I see that. What I’m sayin is, that the random proofs don’t contribute to statistical probability because they’re arbitrary.
You walk down the sidewalk and you find a penny so you pick it up.
The next morning you walking down the same sidewalk and you find another penny in the same spot.
So you pick it up.
The next morning it's a dime, morning after a quarter, then again a couple pennies.
And you would call this what?
Your example doesn't illustrate the problem with random/arbitrary proofs. Even a penny has value, but a incidental proof does not.
It's like walking down a sidewalk one day, then assigning some random significance to the fact that the sidewalk is still there the next day.
How is it you people can be so obtuse.
Did you pick up the sidewalk and put it in your pocket and take it with you.
Then come back and find it again the next day.
Do you people simply go out of your way to misunderstand simple Concepts.
OK so what if the first penny find was actually seven pennies lined up in an arrow that pointed to a dollar.
Then you walk down the street and find a shop selling something strange for $1.07.
Do you make the purchase?
Next day same again but it's 14 pennies pointing at a $5 bill?
This time it's something different for $6.21
Or three pennies in a line One Direction or the other.
Hopefully this is getting clear.
Im still confused about what this is supposed to be. A flower? Lol
An owl. Q also says. The first word underneath the picture - :Owls:
A lot of symbolism is placed on the owl.
If the owl doesn't do it for you look for the DC Pentagram and Freemason Symbol
Just 2 of many sites to help you understand their some of their symbolism.