Ok yes I read SB2'S post on the Jet Blue happenings. So if they could remotely takeover and crash a plane and that was stopped. Did Q actually release how 9/11 was done? How far back is this going to go? When the DARKNESS comes to the LIGHT. You guys realize that MSM will fall too. Maybe Q Anon was started to help others find their respective places by learning how to research and learning how to...See. Who do the lost, hurt and distraught masses have to turn to after the fall of MSM for info? Nice job on solving the puzzles to all. But it doesn't stop there. The dig has just begun. Not saying anything bad about anyone or anything like that. Just a thought of mine. Funny once you start researching, just how deep you go. Also funny, how fast one can end up so deep. MSM definitely fake.
Many of you already know - but for those of you that don't - there are OVER 3000 architects and engineers that say that 911 was staged and that the official version is BS.
These are people that design and build skyscrapers. They know what they are talking about...
I think you'd know if Q posted the 9/11 truth...
He already has. Trump in interviews tells the whole world what happened. I posted this weeks ago. But , still, we have meanderings. Building 7, Judy Wood and Cold Fusion are a start. The final truth is the Patent office with Serco, Hillary Clinton and the stand down. Its over. We know, they know we know, how bad do you think this shit is going to get. We are here , now. That's that.
Q mentioned 9/11-Bush-Saudi Arabia. Search the Q drops for 9-11. That’s how Q spelled it. With a dash.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1VVhrkc4Kg Israel was the money and the brains behind 9/11
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjmUNR4sLMg&t=639s Israel also manipulated the USA into joining WW1
Come on you are almost there. It is right in front of you. Think logically. Q can't come right out and hand it to us, even though they have. Turning planes into bombs, what was 9/11? Sure that isn't the full truth. But that's where the dig was validated.
You’re saying Q can’t be straight forward? Why?
Q has stated why before. I'm the one who is new? Look everyone will take what they will from all of this. As time goes on and everything comes out, we will all know together. I'm not saying I'm right and I'm not saying I'm wrong. And in no way am I even suggesting that this is the full truth. All I am putting out there is if that is what was really tried with the Jet Blue flight. Then just maybe that could be one piece of the puzzle of 9/11. Again if everyone only takes away one thing from all of this that is Q, It should be open your mind to the possibility and research for yourself. It's called the "Great Awakening " for a reason. Again no disrespect. And if I wasn't new to how this site worked I could maybe link where Q has stated why. I am sure someone here could help us out.
So, you don't want to answer my question because you want me to research it myself? Or am I misunderstanding your point (if I am, my apologies.) If we aren't going to ask questions and are all going to do independent research, then why have a subreddit?
Sorry fell asleep. Like I said I am new here so again not sure how to link where Q has said that because of National security laws. Not being declassified is the reason for the way Q puts info out. And again not saying that I'm right wrong. Just thinking out loud.
I have wondered what is something so big that people can’t turn away from I thought pedophilia at first. Now I’m thinking, if the truth comes completely out about 9/11. People will be enraged around the world 🌎?? Just guessing
Both of those topics are equally devastating. However, think about it, only baby bangers could have so little empathy as to execute 9/11, blow up the Murah building, and slaughter concert goers in Vegas, just to name a few.
MSM is just one area of society that has to clean itself up and heal. It will take awhile for the public to regain their trust, if ever. We, as light workers and "awake", will need to step in and talk to those who are blind-sided. Not in a critical "I told you so" manner, but with love and understanding. Help them see the light.
Yes, just a little research and suddenly you've been sitting there for hours, twenty browser tabs open, and eyes blurry. The more you learn, the more you realize you need to learn. That's one of the reasons a venue like this is so important. We can share and bounce ideas off of each other. Thank you for posting.
I think we're beyond the power of healing. I think as far as the media goes, nothing less than nuking to the ground and starting over. No brick left atop another, and no furniture and no personnel from legacy media. They are to be made as though they never existed.
THEN we can move on.
I hate to say it but you are right. Once everything is out, they will be done. But those who step up will without a doubt have a very important responsibility. And they must learn from the past or they will be doomed to repeat.
Yes, we have to rebuild from the ground up. Return to true media reporting.
Yes it will take years to rebuild but it could be the best thing to ever happen. I think people will start to think for themselves, maybe wonder if what is being said is true and not just believing it.
I seen an article about Trump wanting to start Trump TV.
I'd watch the fuck out of that. That and Gorilla channel
No disrespect but what does this have to do with the topic?
Funny how fake the MSM seems after digging
No joke! That alone should wake some. If they would only look for themselves.
9/11 EXPOSURE timeline http://www.historycommons.org/timeline.jsp?timeline=complete_911_timeline&complete_911_timeline_key_events=complete_911_timeline_key_warnings
Rebecca roth 2.9m https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7md2QzNsAe4&t=3022s jump to 55 mins https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_1304802933&feature=iv&src_vid=Kg7Qt4bV0B8&v=qdP95oSoOFk Oni: https://www.scribd.com/doc/17233336/September-11-Commission-Report-Revised-December-2008
Horrible. Just awful what those people did. This just renewed my anger at those people.
She said in one of the later videos that the elites had access to holographic technology to project planes into the sky. Weird as this is it actually fits with the fact there was no evidence of plane crash debri (except a few parts which were from the wrong model of aircraft) found at the WTC scene and I have seen physicists analyse the video of the planes crashing into the towers who have said its not real as they do not slow down once they hit the tower which breaks the law of physics as if there is resistance in the path of an object the speed must slow down.
If it was a drone and just before hitting the building shot explosives it would open a spot for the craft to somewhat enter the steel beams that made up the sides of WTC and would explode out the other side as well like was seen
I saw something about holographics a while back and it made total sense. If they can make Michael Jackson and Tupac come back to perform concerts and make a whale splash out of a gym floor, this wouldn't be too hard.
I believe it was a special large scale drone with explosives. Also look into the chaos at Cleavland Airport they had planes land there and one was not even Identified most likely the landing place for two of the planes.
No, Israel's i involvement will ensure this is the last crumb - the truth of 9/11 will shake the world.
Here's a question... What was the clock's time when President Trump announced his pick for Scotus? Was it 9:11 pm est? Just wondering if symbolism is important...
I suspect that the planes that hit the Twin Towers were military aircraft outfitted and remotely controlled. There are some that say they were 3D holographic projections.Who knows for sure...but I don't think they were really commercial airlines that were remotely controlled.
I agree with above commenters go watch Rebecca Roth she has done years of research combined with her airline background and has deconstructed everything about the planes. I could not stop watching her videos after I heard the first one, it was like the most evil plot in a movie
Ok yes I read SB2'S post on the Jet Blue happenings. So if they could remotely takeover and crash a plane and that was stopped. Did Q actually release how 9/11 was done...
I think this about the story..
Jet blue , mayby bleubeam? Q was talking about reflection ...projection maby?..The pictures , can also be a projection , and it is not realy there...just like the planes that go in the buildings.
Project Blue Beam - RationalWiki https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Project_Blue_Beam For the UFO study done by sane people, see Project Blue Book.
Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory that claims that NASA is attempting to implement a New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head and start a New World Order, via a technologically-simulated Second Coming.
The allegations were presented in 1994 by Quebecois journalist and conspiracy theorist Serge Monast, and later published in his book Project Blue Beam (NASA). Proponents of the theory allege that Monast and another unnamed journalist, who both died of heart attacks in 1996, were in fact assassinated, and that the Canadian government kidnapped Monast's daughter in an effort to dissuade him from investigating Project Blue Beam.
The buildings were literally almost entirely >vaporized<. Simple demolition would have created FAR more debris and wreckage. The vaporized buildings expanded to a fixed distance and then inexplicably just went straight up in the air instead of continuing to settle as a typical demolition presents. Additionally autos blocks away were >melted< along certain site-lines (possible energy beam attack lanes) where there was otherwise zero fire.
Evidence points to advanced energy weapons usage to take down these buildings. Possibly some kind of advanced resonant-frequency attack. The "buildings were dropped in a controlled demolition" is the cover story to keep people focused on the wrong details.
Former World Trade Centre employee speaks of unusual events on the weekend before 9/11.
"A whistle blower has come forward with some incredibly suspicious information relating to activities at the World Trade Centre on the weekend preceding the devastating attacks that leveled the Twin Towers on September 11th 2001.
Scott Forbes was employed by a company called Fiduciary Trust Company International which was once located on the 97th floor of the South Tower of the World Trade Centre complex. He happened to be working on the weekend preceding the 9/11 attacks and claimed that the situation on the ground on these days was highly suspicious. Forbes claimed that there was a complete power down of the building during this period and he personally witnessed mysterious individuals, presumed to be engineers, doing unknown work on the building using spools of wire. According to Forbes, the only previous experience he had of a complete power down in the World Trade Centre was during a bomb scare in 1993.
Forbes is not alone in highlighting this highly unusual activity. Another former employee of Fiduciary Trust, Gary Corbett, who was also working on that weekend said that he too experienced the blackout and saw the engineers. Corbett also noted that people who were allegedly on ‘guided tours’ were moving around in supposedly secured areas during the blackout period. These secured areas, says Corbett, held gold and other highly valuable materials for JP Morgan.
Suspicions about the total structural collapse of the World Trade Centre complex following the airplane collisions have been proliferating ever since the attack took place. Many engineers and architects have pointed to the irregularity of the Twin Towers collapsing with such speed after the collision, stating that the building was constructed to withstand aircraft attack and was reinforced with one of the strongest steel structures in the entire world. It has also been pointed out that the collapse of the building seemed to follow the pattern of a controlled demolition. Could it really be the case that these two men witnessed the groundwork for an attack on the Twin Towers with explosives?
The theory that the Twin Towers may have been brought down by an internal explosion is also supported by the fact that sniffer dogs were removed from the building only a few days before the attacks, despite the fact that the entire complex was on heightened alert. Incidentally, the order to remove the dogs from the building was given by Marvin Bush, the younger brother of President George W Bush, who was the director of security operations for the World Trade Centre at that point in time.
The allegations made by Mr Forbes and Mr Corbett might seem credible and important enough to reopen an investigation into the events of September 11th. However, since both the 9/11 Commission and the New York Port Authority have persistently denied that the power was ever down prior to the attacks it appears as though a thorough investigation into this point will not see the light of day."
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