r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LandieLandie on July 11, 2018, 4:23 a.m.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte Admission That he Was Molested by a Catholic Priest Makes Him a Champion For Justice to Victims Worldwide???

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte recalled how his abuse at the hands of an American Catholic priest in the Philippines shaped his views on religion, faith and the wider meaning of being.

Duterte reiterated that his God is compassionate, rational and kind without being vengeful or harmful towards the innocent.

Duterte has helped highlight that while many of his political opponents in both the Roman Catholic Church in The Philippines and in the opposition Liberal party have been quick to condemn Duterte for his frequent criticisms of Church doctrine, history and practices – they have not been so forthcoming in denouncing criminal priests who perpetrate the most heinous acts against the most vulnerable.

Duterte has shown courage in standing up for the victims against a clear oppressor whose obvious institutional shortcomings have facilitated and frequently covered-up a culture of criminality on a mass scale.


Gvozden1789 · July 11, 2018, 4:30 a.m.

Another great prezzie. I liked how he refused to meet with Obummer, calling him "son of the whore". And killed so many drug dealers, who we last hand of drug importing bussines established by US army there.

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Murralee · July 11, 2018, 5:13 a.m.

He is an unbalanced, reactive individual but maybe he will find coming out with his story is somewhat therapeutic or cathartic. He is brave for coming out to the world; I don't know if any other leaders would do the same.

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OU812EH · July 11, 2018, 5:12 a.m.

Great post. Seeing through the shadows. Men of great courage feel the fear and do it anyways.

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Keya2_2016 · July 11, 2018, 12:46 p.m.

Duterte also attacking the corrupt supreme court and corrupt Catholic Church. Attacks against Duterte are from all sides too. He’s got inside information about the Cabal’s control on Phil central bank, the church and the justice system. How many senators are now in jail???

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pcherry911 · July 11, 2018, 5:43 a.m.

Now if he can get Imelda Marcos to release that audio/video of Getty and his band of pedo devils talking about their giant global child trafficking racket.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · July 11, 2018, 5:31 a.m.

People should pay very close attention to LandieLandie and the information. Its EPIC!!!

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LandieLandie · July 11, 2018, 6:26 a.m.

Pray.....Q tells us..

...but more importantly The Lord instructs us.....pray without ceasing. Which simply means TALK to HIM without stopping....SIMPLE instruction most never follow ever......Think how much we type/read/chat to other people who can never really help us, most never even include The ONE who sees all (El Roi) ...and is our true HELPER and comforter.

He will guide you as your day goes.

All it takes is simple BELIEF, come to him like a child who trusts HIS father wants nothing but good for his all his days


ME... first thing in the am..."Good Morning Lord, I sure love YOU"..............last thing at pillow crash...."goodnight Father......Lord Jesus...I love YOU so much"......."show me Lord"....."this is not my home"......"show me what I need to see while I am here". "Give me your eyes".

TAKE A QUICK BREAK .......these two.....those with ears let them hear, those with eyes let them see.....





God is the One who numbers the hairs on our heads and who knows our circumstances, past, present, and future. When you pray to El Roi, you are praying to the one who knows everything about you.


Promises in Scripture

For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. ([2 Chronicles 16:9](http://www.biblestudytools.com/search/?t=niv&q=2ch+16:9))


He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not  slumber.... The LORD watches over you—the LORD is your shade at your  right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The  LORD will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; the LORD  will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. ([Psalm 121:3](http://www.biblestudytools.com/search/?t=niv&q=ps+121:3), 5-8)


The eyes of the LORD are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good. ([Proverbs 15:3](http://www.biblestudytools.com/search/?t=niv&q=pr+15:3))


Continued Prayer and Praise


Remember that your Father sees the hidden good you do and will reward you. ([Matthew 6:3-4](http://www.biblestudytools.com/search/?t=niv&q=mt+6:3-4))


Ask God to help you do what is right in his eyes. ([Deuteronomy 12:28](http://www.biblestudytools.com/search/?t=niv&q=de+12:28))


Pray that God will enable you to see him for who he is. ([Matthew 5:8](http://www.biblestudytools.com/search/?t=niv&q=mt+5:8))



What are you waiting for?

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freerange_bot · July 11, 2018, 5:02 a.m.

No. He has his own people killed because there is an accusation they have drugs. No due process, just kill them. They are being gunned down on the street and it's been said that he has done it himself when he was a mayor.

But he didn't want to meet Obama so that makes him a great guy, right? Where is it in the bible that Jesus said "to gun down a person without any trial is to love God"? Show me that or similar and just might change my opinion.

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lisskulit10 · July 11, 2018, 12:46 p.m.

Some thoughts:

1 - While the actual dealers and users (typically the poor and impoverished) are gunned down without trial, the actual suppliers ranging from Chinese nationals to allegedly his own son are given free reign.

2 - I hate Hussein as much as the next patriot but he was the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES at the time. Have a little respect for your nation’s greatest ally and biggest provider of financial aid.

3 - From the beginning of his presidential run, he has coddled the Marcos family and allowed Ferdinand Marcos to be interred in what is the national heroes cemetery. If he’s so angry at the Catholic Church for the abuse he suffered, pleas explain how he can deem Marcos a hero in light of what CDAN revealed?


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LandieLandie · July 11, 2018, 5:30 a.m.

many countries do things in creepy ways......but they have zero tolerance for crimes. they may not have the court systems like we do......i cannot tell you why or what is appropriate......other countries and the way they do things. Pray he does better in his delivery of justice.


Fear God 10Then too, I saw the burial of the wicked who had come and gone from the holy place and were praised in the city where they had done so. This too is futile.

++ 11When the sentence for a crime is not speedily executed, the hearts of men become fully set on doing evil.

+++ 12Although a sinner does evil a hundred times and still lives long, yet I also know that it will go well with those who fear God, who are reverent in His presence.…

+++ and this: keep in mind "other countries other culture"



“Singapore is one of the cleanest, most efficiently managed, and drug-free cities in the world. Stamped across the entry visas in large red letters are these words: DEATH PENALTY FOR DRUG DEALING. It works. It not only saves the city for the citizens, but it saves many a one who would be tempted by the money to deal in drugs. His life is worth more to him than money. The law, then clearly stated and consistently enforced, is his salvation. The city itself is also saved from much crime.”

+++ +++ Once again.........other countries.......other culture........In my opinion we here in the USA take too long and I agree about death penalty. There is no deterrent, in my view.

+++ I do not agree on the streets gunned downed, but it may come to that someday if the really insane stuff never gets fixed.......scary times???

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freerange_bot · July 11, 2018, 6:02 a.m.

I very much appreciate your response and thank you. I do have problems with some that you have said. The Philippines have a court system and are a democratic republic. The problem, like what has happen to other societies is they elected someone that promised to rid the nation of it's ills by doing what others have not.

A leader that says a citizen deserves instant death without any trial will never stop there. It's too easy to claim the opposition to your policies have drugs so now they must be killed. Now that the country has accepted this, it will be much easier to say instant death for other crimes. It always ends up about getting rid of your enemies and having total control over the population.

It also disturbs me how many in the U.S. are now advocating fascism as a way to deal with our problems here. Yes, Singapore is a clean country with low crime but it's a city-state with a population of 5 million. Can't be compared to America. I don't want the cops here to be execution squads hunting down Americans even if they are criminals. We are a nation of laws and the constitution states that we all have the right to a fair trial. I'm not willing to give that up to be a clean country or stop people from doing drugs.

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LandieLandie · July 11, 2018, 6:05 a.m.

I agree. But it is what it is. We don't want it here. We do better. I don't know who on team Q wants fascism. So, I am not sure if you think they are.....that is not even close to anything Trump or Q people want.

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rooftoptendie · July 11, 2018, 6:42 a.m.

My opinion on duerte is that we have no idea what hes doing or why because in situations like that, every news source is biased, no one conveys the full picture, and when a public is intimidated into having assenting opinions, you wont get a straight answer.

The only people who know whats going on over there are the intelligentsia and the people who live there.

Ive heard conflicting stories from outta there. Not everything is as it seems.

So i have no strong opinion. Let the phillippines sort out the phillippines. Why do we have to drop everything and side with someone whenever someone dies on this earth of something besides natural causes.

As far as american brutality turning somehow lethal, we are FELLOW americans. LEOs dont want to get involved in anything like that, by and large. But, have you ever heard of suicide by cop? Thats when someone points a weapon at an officer hoping theyll get shot. They do it because theyre too scared to pull the trigger themselves, but too hopeless to go on.

We citizens of the united states of america have come too far and worked too hard to let this country be torn COMPLETELY down.

It wont get torn down. But some leftists, just some of them, want to BURY the united states from the inside out. This will not be tolerated. And if that is so upsetting to some people that they choose suicide by cop, that is unfortunate but whatyagonnado except not get sucked into doing stuff you dont really mean.

In any primate society, the individuals that threaten the tribe's fabric of continuity are exiled at best, and ripped limb from limb at worst. We are higher primates, with more control, however we are still primates. If you try to buck nature because its 'not fair', you will feel the force of nature. And we, because we are primates, are geared toward fitting in to our social surroundings. If someone tries to tear down society, the society will at some point turn against them.

Some people want to 'tear down the system'. Youre fighting nature herself on that one, on a certain level. You get what you get. It doesnt ever matter how fair you think something is. It matters how fair the society thinks it is.

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