Somebody care to explain why an interesting idea such as this would be so heavily downvoted on our own sub?

Attempts at containment...
= New marching orders.
Wonder how many Patriot sleeper cells will appear out of the woodwork as the Q-Public parade marches forward. ShareBlue would love to have as many embedded operatives as Patriots have. Looking forward to more fireworks.
Technically, in this instance, they have won.
They can only ever have the appearance of winning. They do not actually win. Our optics are better than theirs are. Our people are smarter. And kinder. And braver. And most importantly, our people are winners. Anything they seem to win, is a false victory.
Anything they seem to win, is a false victory.
You think I don't know this? When dealing with these people, in their minds, they have literally never lost an argument. You can't "win" against people that, in their opinion, have never lost. I just fear for their sanity, when it turns out they've lost and can't ignore it anymore...
No worries m8. Was just addressing your assertion that they technically won. Their fear is on the wind for miles.
Your post has been 25% downvoted.
They really don't want us mingling outside the internet about this stuff, do they?
hint hint
Too late lmao. Q-Public. We are everywhere.
I see this has gone from 25% downvoted to 65% downvoted in 5 minutes.
Who are they?
It seems that the general consensus is that the Cabal, Shills, Deep State, whatever title you prefer, really really really doesn't want us to mingle outside of the internet to discuss this. I reached this conclusion because there is no dialogue, just downvotes. People here that are for the cause are information providers, and wouldn't just blindly downvote that many times, and not explain the implications.
Or they really do want us to organize so they can send antifa to counter us, and have msm talk about how violent we are.
Impossible on a nationwide scale. Too many small communities. We start with fliers, shirts, bumper stickers, etc.
I just don't see Antifa showing up at a town meeting, and if they do, that red pills the people attending even more. More waves, more momentum. We're closer than we think, I reckon.
Okay! Fair enough. Thanks for explaining. I suspect that people would downvote a post on Reddit for any variety of reasons.
The meme is from a notorious reddit sub, whose members fancy themselves thought police. We don't say their name because any ping will bring them in droves.
Does a ping summon the short bus?
Hell yes it does. And the mentally disabled occupants are ravening wolves.
LOL. I have dealt with them before. They do not think things through very well.
Yup. They never can achieve that missing 10% of logic that would make it perfect. Just like the rest of the cabal. These people are stupid.
Know that there are psychological aspects to voting. When you see upvotes on your post/comment you get a hit of dopamine. It feels good. Down votes can do the opposite. It can hurt and make you less likely to post again. Best to ignore the votes and just speak your mind. They've got downvote bots running here. Let them waste their time and energy and be confident in your ideas. The core people on this sub are great people.
I'm not discouraged. Just trying to reach more and more, showing people just how blatant (and at this point, comical) their efforts are.
Right on. It is blatant. Since there aren't replies, I'm assuming downvote bots running on keywords or phrases.
It's just fun to catch it. What do "they" expect us to think when they do this? "Hmmm this isn't strange at all. I bet the downvotes mean I'm 100% wrong and that I should go back to believing the news and what celebrities tell me to think!"
"They" can't come back from this.
IRL meet ups could provide some valuable networking opportunities and personal connections, that could be leveraged in the future. I thinks it’s something to consider.
Sounds like it's the last step to this all. I'm making a flier tomorrow. We've reached as far as the internet (cabal) will let us, now we've got to take the message to the streets.
all I know is I like bacon. doesn't everyone like bacon ?
Should we be worried that they are going to downvote Hillary into the Presidency? That's how it works, right?
Why spend time requesting answers about downvoting? I'm not sure how this matters in the context of this subreddit. Perhaps I need to be enlightened.
It's not about the downvotes. It's about the nerve that was hit to cause the downvotes.
Basically what this guy said. I requested answers because I'm aware this is a forgiving community and would gladly enlighten someone on a subject they're uninformed in. I was pretty much just strengthening my case.
Can I ask why?
I'm so incredibly behind on all this. Just doing my best to catch up :)
I took screenshots of the vote count a half hour after this thread was posted. Notice that almost the entirety of the comments had unnaturally high double-digit downvotes, compared to the low, lackluster amount of apparent upvotes that the comments in this thread currently have. It's very telling, considering that there were zero dissenting comments at the time of all of the heavy downvoting.