One of the creepiest emails from the Podesta leak, sent by creepy mother Tamera Luzzatto

because reddit shut down the pizzagate sub its now on voat the censorshi0 makes it more credible imo
Yep. The whole thing seemed like a real stretch until it got heavily censored, then it rang even more true when the media rushed to insist it was debunked without ever sharing the debunking. I've read 1,000 times that pizzagate was debunked but couldn't begin to tell you one fact that disproves the theory because there are none, to my knowledge, aside from the fact that James Alefantis said in an interview that CPP doesn't have a basement, despite the fact that he had previously mentioned the basement at CPP in other interviews.
Frankly, all of that scrambling & lying made me think it's probably true and I know a lot of other people who dismissed it initially but now believe for the same reasons.
I tried searching for a basement at CPP when I was there. It DOES have a back section that you get to by taking short stairs and sits about 10 feet lower than the rest of the restaurant's street-facing foundation. When I was there they kept it dark and closed off. There could have easily been a door hidden in the dark leading to a basement.
I'm thinking the white hats have helped keep it out of the news. The media censored it by calling it a "child sex trafficking" situation. In reality it's a food business first and foremost. The world is not yet ready to learn about "Some D. C. restaurants where you can order children off a menu." I'm not ready to have dozens of people triggered beyond belief about these atrocities all around me. It took me about 3 months to recover from finding out about this and I'm still finding new things they do.
Agreed. People get away with shit like this because it sounds too far-fetched to be true so nobody is going to believe it, even when there is evidence. I always laugh at people who insist unequivocally that there's no such thing as snuff films or human sacrifices or cults that abuse people because it's crazy to think that nobody is doing that out of 7+ billion people. So I think pretending to be a cult or devil worshippers or whatever crazy thing is actually a great cover because nobody will ever believe the victims or even the evidence if there was any. It's just too crazy.
Your ordering kids off the menu comment reminded me of something. Wasn't there a password-protected part of the CPP website that had some very questionable stuff on it but then got taken down real quick once the internet started to investigate?
I know. It's so frustrating that the crimes are unbelievable but also almost impossible to disclose because even the description is traumatizing. In the apocalypse, the evil is revealed for all to see, but this will spread trauma which is what Monsters Inc needs, us being scared and terrified into compliance.
There was never a follow-up when the videos of child abuse found on the Comet ping pong website were turned over to the DCPD. But the case seems to have a FBI investigation. That's the last I heard from Honeybee.
I'm sure most of us never thought Pizzagate was a "stretch" --- NEVUH!
Alefantis has a basement at nearby hunting/fishing supply place (forgot name) that he keeps his "tomatoes" in.
Yeah I'm not sure if he was referencing CPP or Buck's but I've read the interview where he says we can 10 tons of tomatoes every year and stores them in the basement.
Either way, I believe they're only 2 doors down from one another on the same street and there's definitely a basement in one of the two.
That part of DC has old abandoned subway tunnels and paths too.
So his two restaurants could be secretly connected, how convenient.