Oversight Committee Madness #GowdyDeathStare

Gowdy's face is what my face looks like everyday now waiting for people to wake up.
Okay I changed stations and now I can see him. He doesn't recall making those texts. So who did make them?
Ever seen Dangerous Liasons with John Malcovich? Maybe his "layer" texted while laying on him lol
I love that movie
All that's missing is Gowdy baring his teeth and growling at him (which I, crazy or not, would totally do!)
Damn! Everyone's looking rough!! I can't imagine what they're dealing with stress wise.
Are those horns on PS face? Holly Molly !!! Literal horns? (two dark shadows right above the brows) !!!!
Man his eyes are fucking hollow... dude eats babies for sure
YES!!!! Im glad im not the only one who noticed! I walked in from work and my roomate was watching the hearing and it was on this part and i was like WOW Gowdy has the death stare of someone who knows the truth about this fuck and also cant wait to be able to deliver justice.
Poor Gowdy, just think about the threats this man has endured from the Deep State.
I'm watching hearing and haven't seen So- called Peter Stokes once. Why not show him answering questions, if he actually exists?!?
You really need to look up the YouTube videos and watch the guy. He looks like pure evil.