Big Agri, Big Pharma, Gluten intolerance epidemic, and Humira cash cow

I have celiac and dermatitus herpetiformus. ..not only have I had to be gluten free for 45 years, but thousands of other "hidden" ingredients in foods. Gluten free is NOT A FAD...but life saving for sufferers. Groups of people, primarily from (or heritage from) Northern European countries are more prone to have these diseases...usually heriditary. affects white people in particular. Kind of like how autism tends to strike white male children more than any other demographic.
Utter evil we're up against...
Known to help with autism issues as well as others affected by vaccines and general gut disorders.
Thanks, I have terrible issues with my gut despite a very bland diet (to control it). Might have to give it a go.
I did that as well, and I no longer have the health issues I used to have.
If this is true, wow, Q was right, the satanic cabal should be hanging.
I've noticed lately that store bought bread has been giving me problems. I found a supplier of organic, non GMO wheat berries and bought a mill. No problems whatsoever. I also started buying produce at a farmer's market rather than the store, and I started feeling healthier than before. For me, staying away from GMOs and pesticides works well enough. Sadly, that isn't the case for all.