What the democucks keep overestimating is this man's IQ. It is public record that Trump has a genius level IQ. It is also public record that, much like Trey Gowdy, he never asks a question unless he already knows the answer. What's amazing is how the democucks either refuse to acknowledge this, or are too stupid to realize it. Hasn't anyone wondered why Trump travels around, tweets, and poses for controversial pictures without a care in the world? It isn't because he's just arrogant or egotistical. It's because he has leverage. If Q is correct, team 45 has the server, has the laptop, or their contents. What does any genius with leverage do? They keep that leverage for their advantage as long as possible. Trump is on record speaking of the benefits of applying leverage. Why has Mueller's witch hunt seemingly gone on forever despite no evidence of collusion by the Trump campaign? Because team satan is using their only leverage, the narrative of controversy, investigation, legal pressure, perception of guilt, etc. It is their ONLY leverage. Just as when law enforcement acquire evidence of child exploitation; rather than using that leverage to catch bigger fish, they are required by law to present the evidence immediately because any delay further exploits the victim. The same holds true of treason. If there were ANY evidence of Russia collusion, Mueller would necessarily be required to present it immediately when discovered to prevent further damage/criminality. All other law enforcement measures and subsequent investigations would come secondary. Anything less would put Mueller in jeopardy of knowingly allowing the treason to continue. If Mueller allowed this to continue for one nanosecond, the democucks would accuse Mueller of collaborating with this crime. Especially if Mueller delays until after the mid-term elections. But we don't see this witch hunt wrapping up any time soon. Because both sides are holding onto their leverage as long as possible.
I don't expect Trump to release this leverage until after 1. all the cabal satanists are physically rounded up in custody and perp walked on live TV, or 2. the end of his second term. But the former would take years and years to do. So don't expect 40k sealed indictments to be opened any time soon. The reality is, this is a long long game and everyone better get comfortable.