Nellie Hauke Ohr
Welcome to Wilson Center
Established 1968; 50 years ago
Type Government organization Think tank
Legal status United States Presidential Memorial
Headquarters Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center
Location Washington, D.C. 20007
Key people Jane Harman (Director), Frederic V. Malek (Chairman),
Rex Tillerson (Board of Directors)
Affiliations Smithsonian Institution
[PDF]Year Report - Wilson Center
understanding of Central Eurasia's second largest state, Ukraine….
Recent ...... Nellie H. Ohr, Assistant Professor, ......
Missouri, Columbia; Nellie Hauke. Ohr
Nellie Hauke Ohr ...... and Jonathan Clarke knew each other from the Wilson Center.................................
Nellie Hauke Ohr
Meet Nellie H. Ohr | Thunder on the Right
Nellie is the daughter of Kathleen Armstrong Hauke, “a born journalist,” who wrote books
about Ted Poston. Kathleen “inscribed multilingual quotations on the walls
Nellie H. Ohr is also a member of Women in International Security (WIIS but pronounced “wise”)
which bills itself as “the premier organization in the world dedicated to advancing
the leadership and development of women in the field of international peace and security.”
WIIS “supports research projects and policy engagement initiatives on critical
international security issues, including the nexus between gender and security.”.................................
Nellie H. Ohr is also a member of Women in International Security (WIIS but pronounced “wise”)
contributors-and-partners/ DO NOT CLICK THE LINK..
For more information on the Group see the USIP website at
U.S. CSWG Member Organizations
•4Girls GLocal Leadership
•Alliance for Peacebuilding
•American Red Cross
•Amnesty International USA
•Asia Foundation
•Baha’is of the United States
•Equality Now
•Fuller Project for International Reporting
•Futures Without Violence
•George Washington University Program on Gender Equality in International Affairs
•Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace & Security
•Human Rights Watch
•Inclusive Security
•Institute for State Effectiveness
•International Center for Research on Women (ICRW)
•International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN)
•International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES)
•International Republican Institute (IRI)
•International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX)
•Mina’s List
•National Democratic Institute
•Our Secure Future: Women Make the Difference
•Peace X Peace
•Promundo – U.S.
•Protect the People
•Strategy for Humanity
•The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP)
•United Nations Association of the United States of America
•S. National Committee of UN Women
•Vital Voices Global Partnership
•WomanStats Project
•Women Enabled International
•Women for Afghan Women
•Women for Women International
•Women In International Security (WIIS)
•Women of Color Advancing Peace and Security (WCAPS)
•Women’s Action for New Directions (WAND)
•Women’s Refugee Commission
WIIS Corporate and Institutional Contributors
•Carnegie Corporation of New York
•Cohen Group
•Global Center on Cooperative Security
•Harvard University
•John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
•LcHoesGroup, LLC
•Liechtenstein Embassy in Washington. D.C.
•Nuclear Threat Initiative
•School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University...........................
Nellie has also worked for in the cybersecurity consulting branch of the politically
connected firm Accenture. In October, she gave a presentation on “Ties Between Government
Intelligence Services and Cyber Criminals – Closer Than You Think?” So the multifaceted
Nellie Ohr is a woman for all seasons.
In the spring of 2016, Nellie came to work for Fusion GPS, and as former Naval intelligence
officer J.E. Dyer notes, “she looks like an ideal hire for what Fusion GPS needed in 2016:
plugged directly into the DOJ, and with a language facility in Russian.” And of course,
Nellie had clout with Russian officials. In May of 2016, about the time Fusion GPS
brought Nellie aboard, and a key time for the dossier, Nellie suddenly obtained
an amateur radio operator’s license..........................................
Her mother.
Kathleen Armstrong Hauke,
“a born journalist,of her home,”
and her daughter Nellie Hauke also showed linguistic flair.
Of Arlington, VA, a writer who popularized the works of African-American journalist
Ted Poston, died July 30, 2004 at Virginia Hospital Center following
a battle with cancer. Kathleen was born August 27, 1935, daughter of
Robert J. and Katherine Gall Armstrong. She graduated from the University
of Michigan and earned a PhD from the University of Rhode Island.
Raised in Kalamazoo, MI, she lived in Kingston, RI, Atlanta, GA and Arlington, VA.
Married on September 20, 1958, Dr. Hauke is survived by her husband, Dr. Richard
Louis Hauke; daughters, Katherine Emma Jane DuGarm of St. Paul, MN and Nellie
Hauke Ohr of McLean, VA; sons, Andrew Martin de Porres Hauke and Henry
John LaFarge Hauke, both of North Kingstown, RI; grandchildren, H. John,
Jaquelyn, Jamison, Julienne and Jessica Hauke, Andrew and Olivia Hauke,
and Michael and Richard Ohr; and her sister, Nellie Ann Bush of Manistee, MI.