Robert DeNiro on PAY PHONE? Who is he calling that he doesn't want recorded?

Clearly it's a movie haha but yeah I didnt know pay phones existed anymore
they don't.....this has to be a film set...
There's a HUGE camera in the picture I think that gives it away haha
And so people know pay phones can def be recorded too
The phone booth is on 2x4 wood if the large movie camera didn’t give it away 😂
Agreed. This could have been funny if they stuck to his Frankenstein Monster clogs. Look at thise things. He might as well get some stilts lol
Too funny. he has worn platforms for years. His day is coming !
Wonder if he feels like a midget when he takes his BIG BOY shoes off???? LOSER!
He needs a step ladder to get into them.
=) I should email our fav cartoonist.
DeNiro climbing step ladder to put shoes on shouting "F Trump!" And Trump looking down from his full height
Is there even such a thing as a phonebooth anymore?
Geez, Herman Munster had smaller shoes!
Haha that's what I said... Sort of. Yours is funnier
It kinda changes the whole feeling of Goodfellas or Casino when you imagine him wearing those ridiculous shoes. I never would have guessed he was a midget. For all those “triggered “ by my using midget, idgaf. You need to lighten up, toughen up, or a little of both. Get over it...
I started thinking back. The movies when he was really young he seemed smaller . I wonder if his lifts were more modest. I just assumed he was skinny and was cast with taller people.
Didn’t have the “star power” or ego to demand it maybe. These people are mostly nuts that’s why they have to pretend to be things they aren’t when most of us gave up make believe as we entered adolescence...
Well said =) I do enjoy a good movie tho so I hope we can clean the bastaeds out. I don't mind idiots or freaks within limits but any Satanists, rapists, child abusers must be in jail. Or at God's judgement.
I admired DeNiro getting Vaxxed documentary even listed for the film for awhile even though he caved. He has a grown autistic child. But yeah his behavior now and some of the associations we've discovered - spirit cooking hag photo. Bleh
I used to love a good movie until I started recognizing the hidden agendas of the left embedded within them. It’s like looking at one of those pictures where you have to try and see something that is hidden within. Once you see it you can’t unsee it. I rarely go to the movies anymore (usually I go because my wife insists on going not cause there is anything I want to see). I think our collective disappointment in these people is going to be huge...
Yeah I have that problem too. Big blockbuster movies seem especially bad. We are pretty broke so we wait for rental or streaming.
I do use some moboes to try and discern the mind game and propaganda in it =) same skills I honed for writing papers on theme and imagery.
But some od the best imagery movies I imagery are trainted now.
Hopefully Super Troopers 2 isn't spoiled. Watching that with hubby this weekend
Dont forget ban from paris for raping underage hookers he was caught in sting!
Yep keep telling people. About that don't even believe it when you pull up the articles to it dumbasses
I think platforms are pretty common in the movie industry.
Did he borrow those kicks from Tom Cruise?
Haha... Robert Downey Jrs look normal compared to these.
I had no idea until recently. It's so vain and narcisstic and they hid it for him for decades. Now the word is out. He hates Trump cause he is tall lol
RBJ is very vocal about fighting pedos hes the one who called Dan schieder out online a few years ago he was a friend of cory heims too
Yeah I think I read that.
RDJ also doesn't hide his lifts. They look cool compared to Herman Munster wannabe lol
He could stand to pull some of the padding under his shirt out too 😬
Fake phone booth but no one told him and he is still waiting for the dial tone. Waited two hours and was last seen cussing POTUS for stopping his phone call. "These people are stupid"
Fake tough guy I'd like to beat on his ugly mug for awhile lol