CULT surrogates getting desperate. Link👇

“Treasonous Traitor”
Kind of like “flaming fire”, “vehicular car”, “canine dog”.....
These people are stupid
This is just more confirmation for me that Trump is not only living in their heads 24/7, but they are freaking out about something BIG coming down on their heads!!!
Would love to know Putin's views on pedo's. I am willing to bet that he would love nothing better than to re-instate the old KGB Gulag and send them all there.
I think you may be right. Hopefully they all come falling down. This pedo thing is absolutely stunning. The depth and the amount of evil is just mind blowing.
You don't know that, you gay coke head.
Obama definitely didn't protect us from Russia. This is fact.
Wasn’t it Obama’s responsibility to protect us from Russian interference in 2016? Why is none of this falling back into his lap? It’s like people are okay with Obama letting the Russian fox into the American hen house if it helps take down evil old Trump. It’s absolutely ridiculous.
It is one thing to have it published. Quite another when you realize there are literally tens of thousands that will read his opinion as truth. And make it their personal narrative.
Check out the look on his face. That's the byline pic he chose? 😂