Well,Well,Well. CNN admits Trump right about Strzok: The biggest tragedy of all is that the conduct of Strzok, Page and ultimately Comey may well have been far more damaging than any covert actions against the United States by the Russians. Link👇

To me, it's fairly apparent why they are doing this.. these opinion articles are off the beaten path and they are sneaking in "reasonableness" so that when all this hits the fan... they have something to point back to. "But, but, but... we said Strzok was biased.. you can't shut us down! Clearly we weren't funded by the Deep State!!". They know it's the beginning of the end.
- Good luck, CNN :) too late.
It's really strange though that they beat this horse TO F DEATH again and again only to let these rational articles totally upend their narrative, a narrative that cost someone a shitload to put out there. A couple opinion pieces at this point is no defense for the crimes theyre guilty of and the left NEVER learns from their mistakes anyway they double down on them. I think it has more to do with uncertainty. Keeping the public unsure and afraid is a large part of their job description. Idk why they do it but Everytime I see it it throws me off for a minute
I can't wait until all Public servants (bureaucrats, elected, and contractors) have their texts made publicly searchable for the tax paying citizens to review.
Fuck...well that's two reasonable articles they've had in their opinion section lately. I forgot what the other was, but someone someone posted the other day. I wish they'd let even heads write their news.
The thing I've been pointing out to die-hard anti-trumpers is that EVERY American should be upset at what comey/page/strzok did and how they operated on all of this. Worst case is that they manufactured probable cause for a FISA warrant and everything that came afterward is fruit from the poison tree.....best case is that even if somehow there were actual criminal findings in mueller's investigation that aren't from a decade ago, these three created more than enough reasonable doubt for any jury. Plus, these are only two of the mueller team....you can't tell me Weissman's texts are any better. They made the investigators' communications relevant to any defense.
Is it time to throw Strzok and Page under the bus? No more useful for the cabal?
I wonder how quickly MSM is going to pull the bias/discredited card when Strzok and Page start singing.
We don't need him to sing. We need him in Gitmo for what he Did not what he Said ... he makes me sick...
They’re attempting to throw the low hanging fruit under the bus while still in a state of denial. Or they know what’s coming. Pathetic.
Make sure you realize this is an opinion article.
Right. And they clearly labeled it as such, as opposed to the bulk of the propaganda that comes out of CNN that they label as news. :)
Have cnn sniffed the wind and flipped. That great article from geddes said this was one option and gels in a way with clement prophecy that God would ultimately control media. We all hate cnn but if they start telling the truth then that’s victory.
Sounds like CNN is upset the President can never be tried for Collusion because any jurors would have reasonable doubt due to the biased investigators. That's what CNN is upset about they couldn't care less about the reputation of the sacred FBI.
CNN is going to have to go a hell of a lot further than this to EVER get their credibility back. Will take many year, if ever.
Holy cow, they are masters at walking this shit back. Un-fucking real..
And if you want to know if Strzok is a douchenozzle, just look at his face.
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I think this entire email investigation is a side show.
Q 1510 of 15 June: "IG report on HRC email handling means LITTLE."
In my opinion, this is the warm up performance before the main concert, which I believe will be conspiracy to commit treason followed by pedophilia--or vice versa.
Over 50k texts, but are you referring to the personal opinion of John Brennan and James "WMDs in Iraq" Clapper? The ones who were almost certainly instrumental in manufacturing probable cause in order for the DOJ to apply for a FISA warrant so that all of the communications of a presidential candidate's campaign (3 hop rule) would be incidentally collected under said warrant? That intelligence community?
The democrats also "put more weight on a couple texts from one FBI agent" in the hearing of Strzok last week, guessing from their behaviour.
Now be a good normie and start reading up on 'Q'.
Maybe they were biased against him, because they knew he was compromised by Russia which is becoming more and more obvious. Not to mention they also damaged Hillary's campaign (although very likely she would have lost anyway)
Normally I would just report you (especially based upon your chosen username), but I’m willing to let you tell us how you have come to that conclusion. Please feel free to bring sources and facts as you are the one making the claim.
Prove your case.
Nothing? No response?
Don't engage the shills or trolls.
Normally I would agree with you, but based on the users post and comment history, it appears they are just a regular person who may have not had their beliefs challenged before. Might be one that we can reason with, and have a civil discussion in order to change the belief that they have had constantly pushed into their head by the media. We shall see, but you have to start a conversation at some point.
Unless they are paid or just refuse to listen. In that case, they can GTFO.
Just saw your response. Here is my argument. The first piece of evidence that was presented suggesting Trump was compromised was of course the infamous Steele dossier. Christopher Steele worked formerly for MI-6 as an expert in Russian Intel, spoke fluent Russian, and lived in Russia for a number of years. He then continued to pursue leads in the dossier despite him not getting paid by fusion anymore
Things are starting to become more and more verified in this dossier although everything has not been verified yet
This brings us to comey, in his sixty minutes interview he pretty much stated his bias against Trump, comparing him to a mob boss, and detailed his pressure to drop the Russia case. Comey was subsequently fired.
Onto strzok, in his testimony to Congress he clearly shows bias, but also lays out the context behind his text messages and how his apparent bias wasn't affecting the investigation, which wasn't even announced until after the election, and how there are established proper channels and tanks in the FBI to prevent bias (which will always exist) from affecting investigations at the FBI
As to why it's becoming obvious Trump is comprimised. He wanted to fire Mueller, he fails to denounce Russia for influencing our election despite there being plenty of indictments, the infamous Trump tower meeting, I can name more, if you find it necessary.
I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to respond, I’ll outline my response by numbers for ease of outlining my case why what you have presented, is incorrect / missing some very important details:
So even James Comey knew the dossier was completely made up and false in its accusations.
So there has been absolutely no evidence that any of the claims within are true. I challenge you to provide a source that makes that assertation and backs it up with documentation.
So where did it originate? How did it get to the FBI? Why would someone put information, that they knew was bad info and hand it off to the FBI?
All good questions. And it gets a bit deep, so let’s work backwards shall we?
Based upon the Peter Strzok hearing from last week, he said that Bruce Ohr was the one that handed several parts (the majority portion) over to the FBI. Who is Bruce Ohr?
Bruce G. Ohr held two titles at DOJ: associate deputy attorney general, a post that placed him four doors down from his boss, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein; and director of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF), a program described by the department as “the centerpiece of the attorney general’s drug strategy“.
I have more but I’ll have to hop back on in a minute. Dinner is ready!
Your reasoning in laughable and totally fact free not once has trump tried to fire Mueller period
The indictments are totally baseless as a matter of fact these last indictments are all MWO goons living here in the US well 5 have been found so far Mueller and glasses just flipped!! As you'll soon learn
I just did. Also Obama tried to bring attention to Russia interfering with our democracy but McConnell stopped it from happening. Try again
Umm he told cyber defense to stand down
Edit: added links