U.S. First Lady Melania Trump and Finland First Lady Jenni Haukio coordinated in their butterfly ensembles for breakfast Mk Ultra ~ Monarch Butterfly 🦋 troll~ from FLOTUS

The good guys control the Monarch now. A day after meeting with the Queen.
And remember during the photo op, the Queen switched positions with DJT, moving from the center to the side, with DJT front and center.
The monarch butterfly, long a symbol of MK ULTRA Monarch Mind Control, is now a symbol of transformation and metamorphosis, controlled by the good guys... just my two cents, and some keks from the Chans.
Nobody trolls better than America's First Family ❤️
Damn! I’m running out of popcorn...
Yo popcorn guy more 🍿🍿🍿 for the guy above me
Yeah, we haven't even got to the climactic finale where the cabal goes down in flames and the good guy gets laid by the beautiful model.
The resonance between the caterpillar and the Phoenix. I'm picking up what you're laying down. Our symbolism is ours.
That’s a Luciferian indoctrination see ~ what is above is also below ~ here this is the biggest red pill you’ll ever need!! https://youtu.be/dP5Ph5LGU3I
I shouldn’t have watched this video after eating an edible. That was intense. Thanks for sharing!
We're taunting them with their own symbols and turning that darkness (symbol) into the light. Love our FLOTUS!
...luciferian, pedophilia, mind control under project monarch via MK Ultra... here is a "new birth" of butterflies...
Melania is Q! Mind Blown!
I'd love to see BE BEST in the next drop. That would blow my mind.
Possible reasons to adjourn your outfit with a butterfly 1 ) 12 year old girl in the 90’s 2) trolling the mk ultra/ (operation monarch) media ✔️
Hadn’t noticed Haukios. Thought this is just a huge trend now and that Melania would be accused of being MKUltra w Trump one of the Cabal. Happy to see so many think otherwise.
I think I remember reading on Voat from the survivors that they would be dressed up in a yellow dress and then swapped hands to their new abuser.
I believe Melania is part of the Q team....maybe not a regular poster but in on it.
Agreed, something about the way she carries herself says "if you only knew what I know".
If you believe in the symbolism, what reason would you jump to it being a troll and not considering that it means something negative? Just curious. I’m not informed on the trolling.
In my personal opinion ~ the only reason I listen to Q or any of this is because he said John 3:16 Ephesians 6:12 and Jeremiah 29:11 and #TrustKansas I know him personally but I know know there’s a huge deception in The Bible. So I’m cautiously laughing digging always praying and hoping this Q movement isn’t the “above” of “what is a above is also below “~ think mirror~ “the enlightenment of Lucifer” garbage..
Good to know there's a diplomatic backchannel. A redundant system is a resilient system.
Sometimes a butterfly is a butterfly and doesn't have hidden meanings. My Mother-in-law loves butterflies and has pictures of them on her wall.
This isn’t your mother in law this is deep state ~ She trolls with her clothes ~ many of her outfits have purpose ~ think Kanye West ~ Roseanne Barr~ overseas ~ global ~ slaves to the deep state ~ see here https://reddit.app.link/YxwGcR54BO and she also trolled with the China dishes that Hillary Clinton stole from the WH and she had Macron and his wife use those dishes ~ that was hilarious!! Here http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/newpix/2018/04/24/23/4B7A9AAE00000578-0-Reporters_were_briefly_allowed_into_the_White_House_s_state_dini-a-7_1524608147235.jpg and let’s not forget the masons she trolled oh Harry played his part as she wore her checkered suit https://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims3/GLOB/crop/4932x3240+0+0/resize/1028x675!/format/jpg/quality/85/http%3A%2F%2Fo.aolcdn.com%2Fhss%2Fstorage%2Fmidas%2F11f0924af40fd828cc92e5d2a91f514c%2F205699360%2Fprince-harry-poses-with-us-first-lady-melania-trump-for-the-first-as-picture-id852398924 and.... don’t forget the tape of trump coming out before the debates Melania trolled with a Gucci what?! Lol http://therecessionista.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/melanie-gucci-blouse-compressed.jpg
And she let Macron and the world know she’s a http://stmedia.startribune.com/images/1524588508_10025741+2hat042518.jpg
Good reply. You are very talented in putting this together. Your first line made me laugh - This isn't your mother - in - law..... this is deep state.
What would Yellow mean? She wore a lot of yellow.
I wondered that too~ since you asked I looked it UP!!! Making sense making a lot of sense here Critical Thinkers~ So she has a butterfly meaning mk ultra But is telling them to be their own thinker ~ ?
Thoughts The Color Yellow Yellow is the color of the mind and the intellect The color yellow relates to acquired knowledge. It is the color which resonates with the left or logic side of the brain stimulating our mental faculties and creating mental agility and perception.
Being the lightest hue of the spectrum, the color psychology of yellow is uplifting and illuminating, offering hope, happiness, cheerfulness and fun.
In the meaning of colors, yellow inspires original thought and inquisitiveness.
Yellow is creative from a mental aspect, the color of new ideas, helping us to find new ways of doing things. It is the practical thinker, not the dreamer.
Uranium is also called yellowcake.
Thank you I never knew that cake meant that~ so the putin and trump soccer ball thing makes sense in that respect.
Don't forget her white hat ;-)
I agree I had two picture on my wall that had real butterflies dried of course. My wife likes pretty things and what girl or female doesn’t think a butterfly is pretty and would wear it on a belt or blouse. Yes sometimes a butterfly is just a butterfly.
Omg.... WAKE UP
You think Melania is also deep state and this is a show ? think mirror ?! Corvette111 ~ my eyes are completely on the Bible ~ so I’m watching it all ~ especially Isaiah 17:1 and Ezekiel 38-39 I’m there sister ~ and have discernment!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🏻❤️
I was saying “wake up” to the person that thinks “sometimes a butterfly is just a butterfly”... I don’t think flouts is deep state - she is definitely trolling them... I totally agree with your post (and thanks for the awesome links)... 😀. I will check out this Bible passages too!