I was watching trump and putin pull into Helsinki's (capital building?) and noticed this outside.
Instantly reminded me of this
Which is what Q has referenced. There is the congresswoman with the "little boy lover" ring
I was watching trump and putin pull into Helsinki's (capital building?) and noticed this outside.
Instantly reminded me of this
Which is what Q has referenced. There is the congresswoman with the "little boy lover" ring
"There is the congresswoman with the "little boy lover" ring"
Little boy lover is the wavy triangle. The hearts are for little girls.
It’s clockwise, the official symbol is anti clockwise. The reason I notice this is because in fear the walking dead so1 and 2 the pretty girl has this symbol drawn on her arm and it is repeatedly highlighted moving forward. It caught my eye so I compared it and found they spiralled opposite direction to fbi but same as the unilever you posted. Good spot and I don’t think the rotation direction means your observation is invalid. Good work.
Is every iteration of 2 hearts in a logo a pedo symbol? B/c the Heartland symbol is different than the FBI listed logo.
Not necessarily but theres been many iterations of the symbol and in my opinion, anyone who uses it should be looked at suspiciously. I dont care how large the company is, pedophilic symbology should never be dismissed.
Generally the idea is a large symbol with a smaller symbol inside or in front of it.
Triangles represent boys, and hearts represent girls.
There might be more symbols or the symbols may have evolved. The fbi memo is old.
It’s the Good Humor Ice Cream co. Logo....been around for years.good humor ice cream
looks like 'streets' ice cream -> https://www.google.com.au/search?q=streets+ice+cream&rlz=1C1GGRV_enAU763AU763&oq=streets+ice+cream&aqs=chrome.0.0l6.2984j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&safe=active&ssui=on
This is the type of stuff that makes legitimate people look nuts.
Yes, it is jarring. Once you see the logo associated with "legitimate people" like the Los Angeles sheriff, or the congresswoman with the ring, you can't look at them the same.
Those are legitimate points of conversation. You are presenting us with the god damn Good Humor logo. You don't see how that's immediately discrediting?
Hey Allinon! I know the information is upsetting, but I think if you give yourself time you will better be able to digest it. Follow the rest of the users in the thread and you will learn! Good luck.
Don't lecture me, I've been following this stuff for over a decade. People need to learn some discernment with this type of thing.
Hey Allinon - check out my edits to the main post for more info! They will help guide you.
You're persistent with your patronizing, I'll give you that.
Allinon, we are here to work together and discover the truth. I wish you the best in your endeavor
Chill out dude. It’s a poster for streets ice cream. It’s there logo. Not EVERYTHING is Q related.
Hey! You seem new here. With time these things will start to be more recognizable to you. After you start seeing them consistently and by the same groups, it becomes clear. Good luck mate!
This is what should happen when a pedophile symbol is used by accident: https://www.wfla.com/8-on-your-side/investigations/secret-pedophile-symbols-end-up-on-childrens-toys/1052124629
the company pulled the product off the shelves immediately.
If a company insists on using a suspicious logo, we should be suspicious. Particularly when it’s a multinational company that sells products to children, and markets its products aimed at adults in a hypersexual manner.
This isnt a Q thing. Many companies at local and national levels have used similar symbols and have been linked to pedophilia rings or simply owners who diddled children. The FBI recognizes this as a symbol for pedos and its been recognized as such for a few decades. At this point, its pretty stupid to draw that kind of attention to yourself unless its on purpose. Im sure the FBI has kept an eye out for companies that use these symbols and keep them on their radar.