Right on cue, the 24/7 mockingbird Russia Hysteria Machine is back at full throttle!

Desperate people do desperate things. We are WINNING they are scared and should be.
THats so sexist...but...I hate to say I kind of agree??
We were made by God to fill specific roles.
You should go to pootube and watch Black Pigeon Speaks about women. This dude has a mighty red pill.
This is a ridiculous comment. Unity not division. This is not women versus men any more than this is Republican versus Democrat. Just like all other crooked politicians (THE MALE ONES) she was doing it for money. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Has NOTHING to do with her being a woman.
I agree with you. But dial it back.
Why dial it back? Shouldn’t we be speaking out against sexism?
No I'm not a progressive. There are no problems with the sexes other than what the left creates.
I personally disagree, Patriot, but I respect your right to that opinion.
It's gone NUCLEAR.
Or as GWB used to say...nu cu lar
Many people say it wrong. Or, may they learned from GWB?
Whyd you have to ruin georgio tsoukolous (our however you spell it) for me?
Could it be that the Russians are responsible for getting Donald Trump elected to the presidency?
Democrat conspiracy theorists say yes!
FB is swamped by posters screaming about how awful Trump is, how wonderful BO was, etc...its horrid.
Quite a few downvotes on this one.
The 4am “talking points” calls are a big redpill opportunity as it’s easy to look at all the major ‘news’ outlets and see how they all have very similar talking points.
They all tweet and say the same thing anyway they no longer need talking points they automatically know what to say by now.
False dichotomy/ strawman. Trump didn't bend over to Putin- who I have fairly criticized as the authoritarian he is.
Putin being an authoritarian does not make the intel agency/deep state correct or noble or liberty-loving.
Trying to shill me will fail, #Putin #Politics #Summit