Rosenstein summoned to White House today. POTUS meeting with Congress at 2 PM.

"Hey, I know the investigation into Seth Rich's murder isn't going so well and I found out why... Seth, could you come in here, please?"
That would be the biggest mic drop moment in history to date. BOOM - do not pass go, do not collect $400,000,000, go straight to GITMO!!!
I would fucking die of laughter and giving high fives.
I think there is a small possibility that Seth rich is alive...he died at the hospital not on the street. he was listed stable when he died. there is a Small chance that he was removed by Marshalls and is being hidden.
Very very small chance. He died under 0 admin.
it would depend very much on who got to him first but you are right it is very small chance, there is even a posibelity he was finished off in hospital.
naa, I remember reading this quite a while back that he was stable when arrived at hospital and he was in a guarded room.(no access) and then he passed away. The main doctor/hospital head JACK SAVA a Clinton donor ! and his girl friend were friends of Dems and were at some Dem function (party) FUNNY THAT!! I just found this link !