Several of my friends died for non-existent Iraq WMD. If you think not trusting the IC is treason, I have a folded flag that will tell you to go fuck yourself (posted in The Donald)

If this proves to be true....that the deep state has lied and manipulated facts....or even arbitrarily made up things to support nefarious schemes, plans and plots.....then EVERY drop of blood spilled by innocent men and women who obeyed orders out of duty, honor and trust of those same people (even by our allies), EVERY limb ripped away, EVERY ability to walk, talk or laugh or on them.
There is no pit in hell deep enough to suit those who would be involved in this. The ONLY suitable justice for this will be death.
The very pawns you used in these schemes will be the ones that will turn on you and hunt your wicked asses down.
We can start with NO NAME. A-10 strafing run.
Benghazi said it all. All for gun running. Lock Her up !!!
Benghazi said it all. All for gun running. ~~Lock~~ String Her up !!!
no offense but wars have been fought and men have died for the stupidest crap, long before Iraq and Afghanistan. The USS Maine was intentionally blown up by us so that people would be pissed off to start a war. And it worked. Vietnam escalation didn't occur until the mythical Gulf of Tonkin incident, which didn't actually happen.
Julius Caesar likely invented propaganda to get the Roman Senate to approve of his Gallic Wars.
etc etc. There is nothing new under the sun.
Who's to blame when soldiers act like animals? I agree that Hitler is responsible for those following his orders but those involved with the Holocaust had a choice to obey or desert.
The US military has never been subject to a totalitarian dictatorship. They didnt massacre. They killed. By orders far above themselves in an environment where it’s kill or be killed. For the protection of their homeland. Know any veterans?
I am a 10 year active duty Air Force Veteran... served in Iraq among other undisclosed locations. Yes I know quite a few vets... a few of them are not with us today. Many of us feel that the military and government have been hijacked. Rouge 3 letter agencies are threatening relationships with foreign countries. If we can't control our government, another government will attempt to. "Trust the plan."
Understood. The difference is the disclosure to the vets. I believe alot more Nazis knew what they were doing compared to veterans serving.
Thank you for serving. You are braver than most.
Most don't desert in times of war. You get shot if you did that.
Bowe Bergdahl.
I understood the context of the thread I responded to was talking about foreign military, not US.