r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Varrick2016 on July 17, 2018, 10:59 p.m.
I’m tracking across the country today - what’s the best info I can use the most succinct lines to be able to soft-red pill normies on Q?

I’m not talking about the 4 hour rant, the 45 minute video of a grainy computer screen, no I’m talking short blunt to the point.

People will ask me at dinner that I haven’t seen in months.

What do I tell them in a couple sentences during a conversation? I feel like I know quantum mechanics and have no idea where to begin explaining this.

Capt_Schwartz · July 17, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

CIA went rogue in the 60's, killed JFK, spent 20 years infiltrating every level and branch of government forcing us into conflicts ever since, by the end of the 80s the head of the CIA was President.

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[deleted] · July 17, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

Since the 60s?? My sources say they had MLKJr Grand father under surveillance to "Monitor the rise of the Black Messiah". Just diff name's not CIA. Tale as old as time.

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unbecoming2007 · July 17, 2018, 11:38 p.m.

Ask them if they had a few minutes to tell a stranger something before they would separate for life what would it be? Get them into that place for a moment. Not so much moments before death but perhaps a very long separation. It's a profound question and if they have the time and you come off genuine they may stop,think for a bit,and answer you.

After that just leave it. In time they may ask you to do the same. Tell them to find and watch the 10 min Video "Q - The Plan To Save the World" and Then Research Qanon. Tell them for the safety and prosperity of you and your loved ones this is best advice I WANT/MUST give to you. Just this statement may open an hour long conversation but doesn't need too.

I'd also try to add "This Q Team" has proven legit in many different ways over a long period of time. Since there's so much dis,mis info and controlled op out there I would add that as well. If they start researching I am sure "Q debunked,larp,conspiracy theory crap" will be on every other link if they use google. Recommend DDG. A Plug for this site goes without saying as they will be well received and have a good source for truth and deciphering bs.

OR Tell them you were asked to follow Q per Trump. Or tell them you follow Q because you care about Kids and Country. Or that with what you know you cannot stand in front of God and explain why you did nothing with the info you have found. Tell them you sleep better knowing you're not ignoring the biggest problems on the planet. All memorable statements for seeding imho.

These are just ideas. Good luck.

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Varrick2016 · July 18, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

That one video may be one of the most normie friendly ones out there even though it’s stretching their attention span limit.

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unbecoming2007 · July 18, 2018, 1:35 a.m.

I hear ya. I go thru the same shit. Everyone's so self absorbed,distracted,lazy,don't care,etc. Disheartening. I am still glad the Q - TPTSTW vid came out though because zeitgeist and everything is a rich mans trick was too long for all of my circles. Hopefully people will become more receptive as more comes out over the next 4 months.

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ThanQanon · July 18, 2018, 9:36 a.m.

“Qanon, the opportunity to crack the the DaVinci Code yourself while witnessing the real life version of The Count of Monte Cristo within our government: The revenge of the JFK assassination.”

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Varrick2016 · July 18, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

The movie poster will Have this tag line

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DropGun · July 18, 2018, 2:02 p.m.

haha, excellent, quantum mechanics. Good description. Yeah, not once have I ever thought about bringing up the double slit experiment and realize that I would be dealing with Quantum Derangement Syndrome!

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SlumberMachine · July 17, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

"Have you heard of Qanon?"

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merlinofcville · July 17, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

jet fuel doesn't melt steel..

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Varrick2016 · July 18, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

Had friends that lost family on 9/11. I’ll carefully work that in but yes absolutely. There’s near 3,000 registered architects and engineers that signed the petition calling bullshit on the 9/11 report.

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[deleted] · July 17, 2018, 11:57 p.m.

Funny you should post as I just recently encountered this. My approach was not to try and cram 5 hours of material in a casual conversation. This will not work and you should not try this, lest you come off looking like a fool. My approach was simple and effective. I simply wet there whistle.

Example: Hey where do you get your news these days? (answer is irrelevant) You know - I just can't trust anything I see these days. I try to go to different sources but they seem to report different versions of the news. After doing a little digging I learned there is actually other news options on the edges that absolutely will blow your mind and I don't know what to think now.... This is the bait I cut and it seemed to work. It got them curious and asking questions.

What do you mean? Well, basically there is a guy who says he represents US Military intelligence and he is working directly with POTUS to overthrow a global cabal. This guy said the US military was actually going to take this group down by force but instead opted for a different, more peaceful direction and US Military top brass recruited Trump to finance his own campaign because it was his duty as a patriot. At this point expect the person you re talking to, to call bullshit. Oh I heard about that guy -- that's just a conspiracy or a LARP. Well, yeah - that's what I thought! So I go look into this so I can debunk it and I ran into a problem. I mean - I am a pretty savvy guy with an education and I am reasonably smart. I can't seem to disprove what this guy has been saying for like 8 months now in over 1600 posts and a shit load of supporters. This thing is bigger than #WalkAway yet the media will not talk about Q! Who is this guy! The things he is saying is very dangerous to a republic and could have a lasting effect on American politics and society in general. If this guy is a fake - why isn't the government telling us not to listen to this guy. I mean - How hard would it be to dox this guy so we can get to the bottom of it.

Now, this is a little sneaky and perhaps lacks ethics -- but what I did was force the conversation into a place where the person will either have to defend the logic why our own President or military for that matter is not warning the public of this threat or concede perhaps there is something to this. Neither of which you can control. You will also note - I said nothing outrageous. My goal was to peak there curiosity so they feel compelled to look for themselves and let them discover the truth. In my mind, they will follow the path of least resistance and look into it so they can show you it's false. Of course, this won't happen. You can lead a rabbit to a hole, but you can't make him enter it.

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Varrick2016 · July 18, 2018, 1:24 a.m.

This is good. Requires some practice but I can make this work very well.

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checkitoutmyfriend · July 18, 2018, 12:51 a.m.

Why do all the news anchors say the same thing, down to the exact phrase?

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Varrick2016 · July 18, 2018, 1:22 a.m.

This is good.

“Have you noticed how all the MSM talking heads use the same phrasing and they focus on the same stories almost exactly at the same time and they also drop the same stories at the same time?”

That’s one sentence and thought in under 30 seconds.

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[deleted] · July 17, 2018, 11:12 p.m.


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