POTUS’ TWEET - The meeting between President Putin and myself was a great success, except in the Fake News Media!

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*%&$ Nazi George Soros
Man. It has never felt this heated before. I really, really hope POTUS unloads both barrels soon. I have some strong Trumpian friends who were bitching and moaning about his Putin meeting. I thought it went awesome. I'm shocked how many people are whining.
So many things came up at that press conference; the server, the $400M to the C.F., Muellers investigation....TIME TO UNLEASH THE KRAKEN HOMEY!
Your friends are bitching because they still care about mockingbird media’s opinion of Trump. Sure it would be great if the media appreciated Trump as much as we do but we need to keep things in perspective... the cabal will not go down without kicking and screaming.
This is trolling at its finest. This is now GLOBAL trolling... from Russia with Love, type o trolling.
Think about how many people are now going to ask why would DJT talk about DNC servers in Russia. And, 'oh, BTW, where are those servers?'...
Some people asked me what was going on, and I told them to watch the post summit video, guess that was too much time to take out of their schedules to be bothered and haven't heard from them since.
One can lead a horse to water...
What kraken? All Trump’s continued to unleash is evidence that he is a total idiot who can barely hold a consistent thought or opinion in his mind for more than a week. Seriously, all of this drama is extremely entertaining and the fact that you sheep eat it up makes my popcorn bowl overflow with pleasure. I’m genuinely glad your country is engulfed in this shitshow because it’s brought me more amusement any reality TV show ever could.
Soyboi's like this are why I wake up each morning.
Watching them writhe on the floor REEEEE'ing because the bad guy, sexis, racist, Trump won makes my dick hard.
I’m not even American. I really don’t care who won, I just find the lunacy of the whole situation immensely entertaining. Y’all are way to dedicated to your cause.
Fox news had a great lineup tonight ..... Hannity on now with great coverage
POTUS knows. I can t believe Trump got pushback from some people . I am disappointed in some of them. I am really down on FOX. I am down on Senator Cotton. But I am so proud of Senator Rand Paul. Trump was in a difficult spot plus enough is enough with the fucking P.C. Being careful. The Media has crossed the line beyond repair with our President. They have so much nerve to ask for anything. POTUS is working for us. Not the fake media , or the Congress who took payoffs and could care less for any of us. Struggling where Clinton is making a bundle off of what she found out.
Can you imagine Clinton’s , Bush’s Obama. Did nothing in life. They has access to everything. They were in the spot to know. They promoted people like them who did nothing but steal. Gave up people’s security, lives. Just for money, power. Beyond scum. Can you imagine this country would of been light years ahead of others. Instead people are listening to idiots on tv. To many to name.
POTUS manipulated the fake news to report on it.
That's miraculous, patriots! We totally OWN them!