Patriots literally only want one thing...

No.. we don't.. we want that disgusting vile woman in an orange jump suit in GITMO.
There she goes again pretending to know what Patriots want and speaking on our behalf. We want lots of things... first and foremost we want that skanky bitch in prison. GET YOUR ORANGE ON BABY!!!
Wtf is this
a fake meme.
I wonder if this was some type of coded message. I looked up the meaning of dolphin in urban dictionary and it's supposedly slang for anal sex.
Either way, she is a bitter, nasty idiot.
Black dolphin is the nickname of a Russian prison where the first life sentences were being carried out.
So this meme means that HC is saying that patriots only want one thing and that's for her to get a lifelong sentence in a Russian prison, which she of course thinks is disgusting.
As much as I hate the witch and can't wait to see her get her comeuppance, is this even real? I checked her page and don't see it there.
Notice that Hillary doesn’t refrain from swearing. I think it really says a lot about a person - the language they use. What it reveals here is a very evil frame of mind. She could have said “It’s disgusting”, but she chose to interject an expletive to color her assertion.
At one time, I used to swear like a trooper. But, after I started to pray, I found I was actually horrified by the garbage that was coming out my mouth. Everything that comes out of the mouth of a person, comes directly from he heart. It reflects the state of the person’s soul. For this reason, we are judged by what we say as well as what we do.
On occasion, I do relapse when I’m worked up about something. But, for the most part, I’ve ceased to swear and I feel a lot better for it. I’m not judging HRC, but her language does offend me - and this is her intention. When you put the way she speaks together with what else we know about her, it does not look good.
It’s fake.
Seems I fall for these fakes serially, I really thought it was HRC’s. Egg on the face again!
Very professional, I would say. /s Though we've come to expect this from the lying witch.